Rocket Launch #2

Today we launched our rocket for the second time. We realized that our first launch went higher which is very uncommon. Our first launch launched about 3 meters higher and for most groups water and air made their rocket go higher because it added more thrust. That did not work for our group, possibly because we wanted to go with our original design but did not have all the materials so we substituted a sprite bottle with a Poland spring one. We also used a different kind of construction paper to form the nosecone. But overall we kept most of the same design and that was a choice I regret making. My group thought that because our rocket launched the second highest on the first launch we would do good on the second one. We did not think that other groups would take the first launch as a learning experience and create better rockets. 

    A few of Isaac Newton’s laws applied to our launches one of them was the second law and that is more force is needed to move an object with greater mass. That applies because if our rocket was too big and heavy it would not launch as high as a light and small rocket with the same amount of force applied. The next law that applies is the third law it states that with every action there is an equal ad opposite reaction. This applies to our rocketry because when we launched our rocket if 90 psi was not pumped in then there would not be enough force to push out the water in the bottom. Thus would be an action and the rocket not going as high would be a reaction.

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