Capstone #2: Main Inquiry Questions And Sub Questions

The next step in capstone after choosing our topic was to come up with questions. At first right away I knew my main inquiry question. I knew it from the first day we started this huge project. However Ms. Boyer told use that we need to elaborate our questions.

My main inquiry question, I had from the first day of capstone is, “How has aviation improved from the past few decades?” That is what I thought of on the first day. But, then Ms. Boyer made me elaborate. So then I thought to myself, Hmm, well I am thinking that the sub questions should be passenger satisfactory, safety and new technology. So other then that I went up to Ms. Boyer and asked her, I need some help expanding my main question. She said maybe It should be “How did aviation safety, improve over the past few decades?” BOOM, that gave me a huge lightbulb, I thought my questions should then include all the topics, so I brainstormed and tinkered with my questions and this was the final product, “How did aviation safety, customer service, and new technology improved over the past few decades?

After I created my main inquiry question, It was time to create my 5 – 7 sub questions. Ms. Boyer handed out sheets where we had to write out sub questions on, and It only had room for 5 questions, so I thought my goal for now Is to write 5 good, meaty sub questions. It took me like 10 minutes per question, because I wanted to make it perfect. I kept thinking and saying “no” in my head over and over again, until… I liked the question. The first sub questions I created is, “What inventions/technology made a huge impact on aviation?” Then I made my second questions after spending what felt like hours on it, “How has safety cards, oxygen masks and life jackets impacted aviation safety?” After I made each question I wanted my friends to grade it, because If I graded it, I would obviously say that each question is the best question ever. So I wouldn’t really help myself. My third questions is, “What inspired more customers to travel in the sky?” That question I just told you was my final product of that question, my original was, “What pulled more customers to travel in the sky?” Ms. Boyer thought it was odd to say “pulled” so I changed it to “inspired”. Now my next 2 questions were rated 1- 2 level, very broad and poor. So I had them changed a lot and here was the final product, (Question 4) “Which plane crashes helped experts learn more about aviation?” The original was, “What good did plane crashed do to aviation?” Ms. Boyer and my friends didn’t like the original question, so I had to spend a long time rewording it. My final question is, “What are future goals for aircraft manufacturers?” The original question was, “What is in store for aircraft manufacturers?” But, my friends didn’t like the original question, so I had it reworded.

Overall, creating these questions was very challenging and required many, many iterations.

Passion Project – Finished!

I have finally finished my passion project! I am so happy, so I decided to write a reflection on it:

In the beginning of April, I wanted to make a digital resort for my passion project. I have actually thought of making a airport but I decided to challenge myself to make a resort. I think that I made the correct decision on making a resort. I spent hours and hours daily doing what I love, making this resort. This resort was really fun to make because It looked AMAZING!

I hit huge problems, and I solved them as I always do, by exploring. My first problem that I had was with the walls, because there was an update. The update was when I placed a wall I couldn’t tell if It hit the other wall so It looked horrible. I spent hours and hours trying to fix this problem, but I couldn’t, so I knew I just had to deal with it. I also had another problem with the reception application system. I couldn’t figure out how to script something where you need a room key to enter a “ticket gate’ or something. But I figured out how to script AND fix this problem by exploring ROBLOX studio. I solved my problem by exploring, but this wasn’t the only time that happened.I had another problem with filling the water in the pool and the beach water. I couldn’t figure out how to make the water smooth or fill it out, but again, I figured it out by exploring the Studio. Overall I fell really proud of what I accomplished or solved from these problems.

I worked around 2 hours per day and once 3 hours, and after I finally finished it, I feel really proud. I feel that I accomplished something huge, I looked over everything and thought to myself, last week it didn’t look like this. I couldn’t believe my eyes, of what I made in a month. I couldn’t believe I could actually accomplish this huge challenging goal. But now I think back and say to myself that I learned a lot. I learned how to script, change the chat function, and make models, and, and, a LOT of things. I looked over all the rooms, they looked fabulous, and the suites, amazing, and everything! I LOVED it! I think that I learned a lot from this experience, or project. I think I learned much, much more if I choose to make a airport.

Capstone #1: Choosing A Topic

Alright, first off I thought Aviation. When we were told to brainstorm about choosing topics for Capstone my mind went crazy. I thought, aviation, aviation and aviation. Ms. Boyer told us that we had to have a questions for our Capstone, It has to be one big question. I thought and thought then I got a light bulb. I raised my hand and Ms. Boyer called on me, and I said, “My question is, How has aviation improved from the past few decades.” Then after this we were sent to our seats, we brainstormed and brainstormed. I kept thinking and thinking…

Before all this happened Mr. Casal came to talk to us about Capstone and what type of “presentation” you can do, I remember the Ignite presentation and the TedTalk one. The difference between the 2 is the Ignite one had 12 slides ONLY and each slide is on for 15 seconds then It goes to the next slide. The total duration of that presentation is 3 minutes. The Tedtalk can be as long as you want, so I thought the TedTalk would be better for me.

After I got home I kept thinking and thinking further into my topic or question, “How has Aviation Improved From the past few decades?” Then I broke my topic into 2 parts, Safety and Technology. I did that because Safety and technology did improve aviation for the last few decades.

Overall, It is just beginning of this huge and exciting Capstone experience. I just choose my topic so I think now that this is just the beginning, I can’t wait for more to start!

Stop Motion Immigration: How Is Filming And What Is Next

We are back with stop motion immigration. We are currently, on scene 6 making much more progress daily! Since scene 4, when we all became sad and gave up, I told my group that when we add the voices and the backgrounds our video will so much better!! Ever since that we made much much more progressive.

We made so much progress and enjoyed doing it! During all the filming we have been doing we only made one mistake, in scene 5 in the train we have a lady on tape stuck to cardboard. we called it, “the fat lady”. After we moved the lady then she opened up… Meaning she turn sideways and it looked like she was opening up. It was really fun but we had to fix it.

We made a strategy. The strategy was after we filmed every scene we would say our lines as the scene goes by, but how would this help us? Well, if we couldn’t finish the script before the next scene we knew we had to extend the scene. Since we did this strategy, this actually helped us for two scenes that were way too short! My favorite scene was scene number 7. Scene number 7 was and is the only scene that actually is different from the others. Scene 7 is a train arriving at Chicago central station, people leave the train and people board the train then the train departs. I am thinking of making another train coming in so the scene could be longer because it is already too short.

After this scene comes scene 8. the final scene. Scene 8 is a neighborhood in Chicago where people will enter their homes and so on, etc. Then after this scene comes the credits. Then we are done filming! Then comes the voice overs and the backgrounds for the green screen. Then we are DONE!

I think back now and I think we have gone really far. We have been working really hard on this immigration process. I am proud of our accomplishments. We have been working really hard and getting a lot of research and a good script. So when I think back now I think we are doing AMAZING.

Stop Motion Immigration

We have finally began our stop motion immigration, we had to choose a topic on what part of Immigration to do, I wanted to do Hardships and Jack and Jasper wanted to do settling in America. we disagreed a lot and made a huge big deal out of something that wasn’t so big. But then we just settled on settling in America. I wasn’t happy but I got over it.

After we got that settled we have made a whole lot of progress. I wrote the script as Jack and Jasper made the storyboards and characters, and we did agree on that. We worked hard and hard and one day, suddenly in the middle of school we decided we are ready to start recording shortly after we get our green screen because we decided to do that instead of doing a toy theater. So I texted my mom to get me 2 pizza boxes. There she came and we got them and then we worked and painted it all green. All over it was green. After that we had to finish up our characters, our building and our set. We kept gathering everything and then the next day we were ready to film.

We have begun filming. We started to film on April 17, 2017. On day one we filmed scene 1 out of 8 scenes. It was basically a ship going across the green screen. The next day we had random immigrants popping all over the set and another boat going across the set. We all got board of doing the same thing over and over again. We also thought our movie was horrible and that it sucked. We had been filming for a while, we already had 21 seconds. One of my partners. said we should start over. But I said, “NO!” I thought we were too for into the movie to turn back. I thought when we have the voices and then backgrounds filled in the movie will be amazing.

And that is where we are currently on day number 3 of filming. This was the story from the beginning of this Stop Motion Immigration process.


Previously on, “The Horrible King George The VII” is “He turned the plane around and he continued the plane to the original destination; Tokyo.”

I took the plane and pulled it left, all that way! I did a 360° turn. I turned it around and thought that was Tokyo, so I held this wheely thingy and held it straight for ten minutes. Then I got bored. The clouds grew darker, as the sun disappeared. That told me it was night time, so I sat back and fell asleep.

Lewis was screaming all over the place at the airport, “Where the heck it that flight!? ITS SUPPOSED TO LAND NOW! WHAT DOES AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SAY???” He ran out of his way to the tower with the airport security, as he got to the tower he slammed the door open and said, “#%$@! WHERE IS THAT PLANE?!” One of the air traffic control workers said, “Sir if you would please ca…” “CALM DOWN!!?!? #%$@! OUR KING IS OUT THERE!!! WHERE IS THAT PLANE?! TELL ME NOW!! NOW!!!” Lewis got out of his rage and pushed one of the air traffic control workers to the ground, “TELL ME NOW!!” The air traffic control worker got up and pointed to screen, and pointed to something tha said, “BA 1437” then he said, “Lewis, that is the plane King George is on.” Lewis yelled, “WELL WHY IS IT HEADING TO TOKYO???!! IT SHOULD BE LANDING NOW!!!” The air traffic control worker responded, “Lewis, we recorded the last thing we heard, this is it, “(the captain of the plane said) Hello This Is British Airways flight 1437 we are currently… [The door slams open] (King George says) Out! Now! Or something very bad will happen! (Then the recording ends)”. Lewis looks like he is in his own world then manages to say, “Did… that boy… actually do that?” The air traffic control worker says, “It seems and he is flying the plane in that direction, the exact same as the plane was heading before.” Lewis then says in a low voice, “So King he’s heading to Tokyo, but why?” The air traffic control worker was about to say something but Lewis interrupts, “He is going to Tokyo, because he is running away from the Willows!” Lewis’s voice get louder, “Get a plane! Get a pilot! Get everything we need! We’re going to track down and find that plane!”

King George woke up to a start, he flew out of his seat to the side, then he get up. “Blimey!” he says. King George gets up and looks out the front window, seeing nothing but dark gray clouds. He says, “We’re in a storm.” The plane starts to shake. “Oh my gosh!, what is going on?! What do I do?” King George shouts, panicking. The plane starts shaking like crazy. The planes is going up and down, up and down. On one bump King George is thrown to the ground. The planes starts fly out of control. It’s now spinning and rocketing toward the ground. “HELP! HELP ME!” King George puts his hand to his head then put his hand in front of his face, his hand is covered with blood. “HELP! HELP ME! I NEED HELP!” King George screams. Then lightning is heard, BOOM. Then something shuts down. The planes starts leaning to one side.

Lewis runs into a private jet at London Heathrow, he quickly jumps in as the plane quickly skips the whole line for takeoff and takes off. Lewis opens a laptop and goes to the air traffic control screen, he goes to the search bar that says, “Track Planes” and he types in “British Airways Flight 1437” then the flight pops up, he looks amazed, he sees it is in a big danger and that it is plummeting.

King George watches as the plane flips over and then flips back upright, then BOOM! King George is sprun from his seat to the pilot seat, the controls are covered with blood, and he barely manages to breath. Then he looks with his eyes, just barely and on one plane screen it says 5,000 FT, and it drops quickly. King George then shuts his eyes and braces. Then he heard two Loud noises from the plane, “250 FT!!!” And then “PULL UP, PULL UP”.

Thank you! Hope you enjoyed!! Please comment If you’d like more!!! 🙂

Box Surface Area CHALLENGE

A few weeks ago we had a box surface are challenge. Basically Ms. Boyer gave us a box with a slip attached to it with a problem and our math notebook. So there was a challenge on the slip, here was the challenge, “Find The net of the box then find the area of the box, what is bigger?” So I got my math notebook that night and go straight to work!! Then after several days of work on Friday I turned it in, then I made a video on it. (The Video Is Below)

Basically that was my explanation of the Bow Surface Area. Hope you ENJOYED! 🙂

Experian – Expert Lecture #8

Today Riley’s dad came in to talk about his company, “Experian,” a banking company. “Basically,” Riley’s dad says, “Experian is where we come and try to help you out with credit and money.” That is what Experian is. Well Riley’s dad asked questions and if we got the correct answer then guess what!?!? We get cool glasses or water bottles or many other COOL stuff too! Well i was lucky and got two things unlike other people. Also they had MANY commercials that i saw but never knew it was Experian, until i watched them again today. Overall Experian can help you with credit from bad guys and I think that is really cool, so today’s expert lecture was pretty cool! Experian might be a thing for you to try out later.

Experian Motto: ” A World of Insight.”