Technology – Blog Post #9

In technology class, my favorite projects were the catapult and circuit projects. My least favorite was probably the I-Beam project because we were just starting out simple-ish. I think that technology class was fun because we got to work with different items and make things, but I think it was somewhat disappointing that we didnโ€™t get to use the cool tools in class, but it is important for safety against coronavirus. Overall, I think technology was a really fun and great class!

GPS – Blog Post #8

The majority of people on Earth nowadays have advanced ways to travel. One of the most common, everyday ways is by using a car. One of the most useful things is that it knows where to go even if you don’t.

Cars have a GPS, which stands for ‘global positioning system’. It can lead you to wherever you want to go as long as you have the address. It works because of satellites. The satellites send down data to the Earth. That way the GPS knows which route to take and how fast you’ll get there!

Electroscope – Blog Post #7

This week in class we’re making an electroscope. All you need for this is a balloon, paper clip, a clear drinking glass, cardboard, tape, tin foil, and felt or your hair. The electroscope comes together nicely after that and then you could rub the balloon against the felt or your hair. If you move the side you rubbed near the tin foil you hung up from the paper clip, you will see it move. I think this is because of the static that “collected” when you rubbed on the balloon.

Atoms – Blog #6

This week in school my class learned about atoms. Atoms are small things that make up everything around us, including ourselves. They are so small that nobody can see them.

Before people knew what atoms were, there were a couple other theories of what we were made of. Some people thought that there was an unbreakable thing in every object called “atomos”. Others believed everything was simply because of the holy gods. Some even believed that the space around us was filled with something called “effluvia”!

But eventually, Albert Einstein discovered what really was. He figured out and learned that atoms were actually what made up most of the world.

Bridges – Blog Post #5

Bridges are built to be very sturdy. Hundreds of cars drive over them every day, yet they stay standing. Over harsh weathers, they stay put in place. But do they actually? There is something that most people don’t know about bridges. People think that the bridge would be fastened on both sides, when in reality, they’re only fastened on one.

It doesn’t mean it’s any less safe – in fact, it’s more safe if it’s built like that. This is because when the weather changes, so does the material. The material can frost over in cold weathers. If it were fastened on both sides, this would most likely result in the bridge collapsing. But because they’re loose on one side, it allows the material to change without the bridge falling off of it!

Levers – Blog Post #4

Levers are many different things, but all of them have at least three things in common – they all have fulcrum, effort, and load.

Fulcrum is the pivot point. It is a steady point in which everything else revolves around. Load is the object lifted, or what you’re trying to move. Effort is the force used to move the load.

There are different types of levers made up out of these three things. There are type 1 levers, type 2 levers, and type 3 levers. An easy way of remembering and knowing which lever type your lever is is by using the “FLE, 123” method. You have to identify what’s in the middle – fulcrum, load, or effort (FLE). Then figure out what lines up with it. For example, if fulcrum is in the middle, then it will be a type 1 lever, because they are both the first in the saying.

For example, this is a type one lever:

Triangles – Blog Post #3

When people build structures, one thing they need is strong shapes to keep the building standing strong. The problem is, you can bend almost all shapes using their sides. But one shape that is amazingly strong is a triangle.

Thereโ€™s a technologic reason for why triangles are stronger than other shapes. Itโ€™s because of the triangleโ€™s side and corners. If something strong hits the triangleโ€™s side, then the triangle wonโ€™t break unless itโ€™s corners break. This is because everything is held in place by itโ€™s opposite side. So, unless you manage to break the corners, the triangle wonโ€™t break. This is different from a square or rectangle, which can break without even touching the corners. That is why the triangle is the strongest shape.

Titanic – Blog Post #2

Pretty much everybody knows what the Titanic is. It’s the “unsinkable” ship from the 1900s that was struck with tragedy, sinking in the Atlantic Ocean.

Nobody knows exactly why it sank. The most popular theory is that it hit an iceberg, but engineers have researched and found another, more plausible theory.

Everything is made out of some material. And all material breaks, but some are harder to break than others. For example, diamond is harder to break than steel, and steel is harder to break than wood. But, if these materials were to be exposed to harsh and different weathers, they’d be easier or harder to break, depending on the material. So, because of this, engineers have realized that the reason the Titanic sank because of the extreme cold altering it’s material’s strength.

Technology – Blog Post #1

When people think of technology, they usually think about phones, iPads, computers, etc. But really, technology is way more than just electronics.

Technology is all the tools and materials creatures – especially humans! – use to help them get what they need and want. For example, fires were made in the beginning because humans needed warmth and light on cold winter nights.

There is a lot of different types of technology. Some of them are using natural resources, and others are making things out of resources. There is technology behind almost anything you need to use. Your fridge? In your fridge, there are things that make up the fridge to keep it cold. Making that and finishing it is technology, because it helps you get something you want – a place to store your food.

So, a lot of times in school when you see โ€œtechnologyโ€ on your schedule, it doesnโ€™t just mean that youโ€™re going to go to computer lab. A lot of the times, it means you are going to make something. Something that helps you get what you want, or will help you get what you want in the future. Technology is important. A lot of things involve it.

Without technology, there wouldn’t be any thing to help people get what they want. Humans have been using technology ever since their species was discovered, and it seems they just keep using more.

Tynker Final Project

For my final project I have chosen to make a quiz on Tynker. The quiz I made was about math and social studies. I learned quite a few things making the quiz, like how to make a quiz. I didn’t know that you could do you multiple choice or that you could wait until they picked/typed a specific answer. It was really helpful that once you picked the “quiz” starter, it would tell you how to present a question.

Luckily there was nothing that I hoped to do that I couldn’t. Since I was making a quiz, I mainly just asked questions. Making the quiz questions was easy once you got the hang of it because it was all pretty much the same. You used the “repeat until” command to decide which was the right answer, and you just put an “ask ___” command to ask the question. Afterwards, you could also make the character say something. I had a bit of trouble with that, because it kept skipping over the parts where the character said things. I fixed the problem by adding a “wait one second” command.

My Tynker Project.

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