Capstone Blog Post #1

The topic that I am doing for Capstone is the gymnastics Olympics. My main inquiry question is, how has the process of judging and scoring in the Gymnastics Olympics evolved over time? 

Some things that were helpful in choosing my main inquiry question was my teachers one on one support, digging deeper, and not making my topic so broad. These things were helpful because when I met one on one with my teacher, she gave me the suggestion of a main inquiry question and I ended up using something really close to what she helped me come up with. 

One of the things that was challenging in the process of choosing my main inquiry question was narrowing down my question to be a little bit easier to research. At first, my main inquiry question was going to be about the entire Olympics but then I narrowed it down to just the Gymnastics Olympics and I think it is much easier. 

After I thought of my main inquiry question, I had to start thinking about my sub-questions. I had to think of five of them. Some of the ones that I thought of were, how do the judges know what to focus on when they are judging, and how do the judges know when to take away points and how many to take away. And three more. Some of the first sub-questions that I have didn’t stay. I ended up tweaking them a little throughout the process so they would be easier to research. 

Something that I have learned about myself as a learner is that if you want to accomplish your goal, you have to stay focused, and not overload yourself with too much to do. That is how you can be successful and learn a lot.