Capstone Blog Post #3

The last step of capstone is working on my final product. I chose to do a TedTalk because I don’t like making a video as much as standing up in front of an audience and having a slide show behind me and switching the slides as I want to. Well, in this case, recording myself and then showing everyone instead of actually standing in front of a smartboard and talking directly to the audience. The thing that I enjoyed most about making my final project was finding the pictures and getting to look through so many of them until I found the one I wanted for that slide. I liked this because I got to see a lot of really cool and interesting images in the process of finding the one that I ended up using. 


One of the challenges that I faced when putting my project together was thinking of the images that I wanted to use. I know I just said that I like looking at the images but that was after I figured out what kind of image I wanted to use. 


One of the things that I definitely don’t like about capstone is all of the deadlines. I absolutely HATE deadlines. They make me more stressed and when I am stressed, it is harder for me to focus. Also, since school is ending a week earlier, all of the deadlines have to be closer together and we don’t have as much time for everything. 


I am really excited about sharing my final project because I think that it is an interesting topic that other people should learn about. I also think that people can learn a lot about my topic because I think that I explained everything really well and hopefully when I am recording my final project, I don’t talk too fast and everyone can understand what I am saying.



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