Maglev Day One

A Maglev train is a train is a train that moves by the levitation of magnets.
My groups idea was to put 2 strip magnet on the track with the north side up. Then 5 discs magnets on the car with north side up.
Nothing worked on Friday. The thing that we we did wrong was we put disc magnets on the car and strip magnets on the track what we needed to do was have strip magnets on the car and the track.
Greta was such a good partner she listened to my ideas and had such good ideas. That was my maglev day one experience.

Technology is…

I think technology is something that was man/woman made that solves a problem.

Sticky notes are technology because instead  of taping or gluing something to the wall you can just SLAP it on the wall.

The problem sticky notes solves is when you tape something to the wall and try to take the tape of the tape can  rip some writing of and you won’t be able to read it . And when you glue something it might not come off.


Expert Book – Babysitting

This is my expert book. It is called “Babysitting”. I chose this topic because I love it and I am good at it.

I had to work very hard to finish it. First I had to find ideas, then we had to write the draft, then after that we wrote the real paper. After that we went to the computer lab and typed the books on google slides and put them on our blogs. I think the most challenging part was finishing it and then editing it and revising it. My favorite part was getting to do the pictures.

I had a lot of fun doing this project and I hope you have more fun reading it!



The History of Typography

During our class in computer lab, Mr. Casal showed us a video about the history of typography. After watching the video I liked the style of the video because they made it funny but you learned from it. I don’t think that many people would choose that topic. I learned that first there was black letter then Roman type, italics, Caslon ,sans serif, Egyptian, gill sans , Helvetica last but not least Pixel type . I did not know that there was so many people who made typography!

When I was watching the video I  realized  that in the olden days people did not have all of the computers , phones and tablets. they had to write letters by hand.

I also I learned that there is  modern, old style and transitional styles of type.


Here is the video we watched:

The History of Typography by Ben Barrett-Forrest from Dezeen on Vimeo