Rube Goldberg #5

When you are a group of four it’s not easy to find time to get together. We only have one free weekday in common when we can work. It would be easier to do my project alone because I could work whenever I had free time, and there would not be disagreements. Because of this, we can’t waste time.

We tested things one part at a time so we wouldn’t have to reset the whole thing each time. Also, after each attempt, we all helped reset our Rube Goldberg to make it go faster. We even came up with an idea to test our car step without knocking everything down. We put a Dove bottle to keep the car from hitting all of the books and DVD cases. Another time saving thing we did was we put tape so we knew exactly where to put some materials. If we hadn’t had these time savers, we would have had a lot more trouble getting the project done by the deadline.

Rube Goldberg #4

In our Rube Goldberg project there was one part that always gave us trouble. The problem was we didn’t have enough force to knock down a cylinder container that needed to fall to pull a lever that would start a Hot Wheel car down a track. We connected a string to the cylinder container and to the Hot Wheel track lever so when the container fell it would pull the lever down. We tried knocking the container with lots of dominoes, but they couldn’t push it hard enough. We also tried using a softball to knock the container, but the softball kept rolling off our stick reaction.

Since we could not get it to work, we decided to take out that part and instead we put a different Hot Wheels track that did not have a lever. We also took out the cylinder container and instead connected two Jenga pieces. One Jenga piece stopped the car at the top of the track from moving and another Jenga piece was on the stick reaction. When the sticks fell, the Jenga piece on the sticks would fall over and pull the other Jenga piece down with it. This would start the Hot Wheel car down the track. I learned that sometimes something just doesn’t work and that after many tries, you may need to change that idea and put in a new one.


Today in class I learned about recycling. Mrs Boyer’s friend Monica came in and taught us about recycling. I learned its not easy and with everything humans use you can’t recycle everything but when it does you first organize in to categories then they get reused. That goes on and on until you cant use it anymore.

Rube Goldberg #3

Even though my group can’t always get together, some of us have tried different steps on our own and then showed those steps to the rest of the group. I worked on a step that involved a Hot Wheels track and a candy cylinder. This step was tricky because I had to figure out how to put enough weight in the cylinder to make it pull the Hot Wheels lever. Once I tested it out and figured out how to get it to work, I videoed it to show my group. My group also used part of my step in our project. After our meeting today, we are going to try more steps at home to share with the group. This helps us to be ready when we get the chance to meet as a group. We want to put in more steps to get extra points and to make our project more interesting

here is my video

Rube Goldberg #2 – Drawing

The first time we met we made the first drawing of our Rube Goldberg machine. The drawing has to have at least eight steps, but we put more steps to get extra points. We made our design complicated, but not too hard that we could not build it. We tested out some of the parts that we thought would be hard and then we made adjustments if steps did not work.

One step we changed was we took out the Uno Attack game because we could not figure out a way to make it start. We tried to use a train to roll down the track and push the Uno Attack start button, but it could not push correctly. We also took out a remote car part because it was too complicated to pull the remote lever.  Testing was really helpful because it made us realize what works and what doesn’t work. I predict our final Rube Goldberg machine will be very different than our first drawing.

Rube Goldberg #1 – Overview and Research

I am doing a project to create a Rube Goldberg machine. Rube Goldberg was a cartoonist, sculptor, author, engineer, and inventor. He created machines that do a simple task. I’m in a group of four with Alejandro, Brian and Sam.  We have about a month to finish our own Rube Goldberg machine. It will take a lot of teamwork and hard work. In the project you research other Rube Goldberg projects, sketch a design, gather the materials, build, test, adjust and retest until it works. I think it will be fun and exciting, but also a little stressful because we will have many fails before our project works.

Before meeting my group, I watched a lot of videos on cool Rube Goldberg machines. These videos gave me ideas for the project. I watched professional videos and past Heathcote student videos.

Here are my favorites:

Sprice on America’s Got Talent 

OK Go This Too Shall Pass Rube Goldberg Machine

Honda Commercial Rube Goldberg

The Alone Soccer Team

Have you ever started with nothing then got everything you wanted? That happened to the boys in Panyee FC started with nothing but after a lot of hard work they became a really good team with a nice field. At first they didn’t even have a field or any space to play on but they worked hard and accomplished Their goals and started a legacy. My  thesis is the boys in Panyee FC Everything for themselves and never give up no matter what happened.

One support to this thesis is they had to make a pitch coach themselves and trained each other. They did this because the villagers wouldn’t help them. Practice every day and taught each other how to play. They coached each other in the tournament, and motivated each other. They also practiced every day and taught each other how to play. This also shows that they had to work extra hard too. The only things they knew about soccer were the things on tv.

My second support is they were losing and used their skills and came back in the semifinals and didn’t give up. One support is The boys were used to playing barefoot so they took off their shoes and came back. It was also rainy but it didn’t affect them when they took their shoes off. They were used to a slippery surface because they were always wet from jumping in the water to get the ball when they got up the surface got wet.

My last support is they didn’t give up when the villagers teased them and they didn’t believe in them. A detail to support that is the villagers said they couldn’t play because of where they lived had no space so they built their own pitch out of old wood from the village. Also when they were playing on there pitch the villagers said they can’t become champions on that. A few years later they became southern Thailand youth champions for 2004 to 2010. The villagers also became there fan club. The villagers went from teasing them to being there fan club. This all shows that the team ignored the villagers and accomplished their goals.

A lesson you should learn from this is to never give up on your goal and think positive. The boys did that and became successful. It is hard to accomplish your goals but if you do that you can accomplish them. That’s why the kids in Panyee accomplished their goals. They did a lot of hard work and didn’t give up and that’s how they succeeded.