4th Grade Reflection

Fourth grade was really exciting and I learned so much. My teacher was Mrs. Roberts. She was really kind and our class had so many amazing projects. One of my favorite projects was making a PSA (Public Service Announcement). For the PSA, each student made a video about a problem in the world. I did mine on orphans needing homes. Another project I really liked was making a toy theater. The one I did was about the Declaration of Independence, and I learned a lot about the colonies’ relationship with Great Briton before the United States became a country. It took weeks for my group to research about the Declaration of Independence and write the script. All the projects took hard work, but we learned a lot from them. I think that fourth grade was a really great year and I hope fifth grade is even more exciting!


The Time Outside

Last year over a weekend my cat Mabel was weeping at the front door. My whole family, aside from my dad, bolted to the front door because she rarely cries. When we got downstairs, I opened the door. Instantly she stopped crying and as slowly as a sloth she went outside. This was the first time she ever went outside! As soon as we went outside , Mabel’s ears went back and she was hunched down like a fox was chasing her. She checked out the trees and bushes and then went back inside. We all went back to what we were doing. As soon as we did that, we heard Mabel cry again, but we didn’t open the door this time!