A Way to Calm You Down!

Have you ever been very mad or upset and don’t know how to calm yourself down?  Well now you will know a way!  If you just need to calm down or relax, you can do art!  You could just take your mind off everything and focus on your drawing or painting.  You don’t have to focus on fight you might be in, or focus on your school work, or have to focus on the activities you might have.  All you have to do is relax.  After just 20 minutes, you could be relaxed and calm, just by doing art.  It is that simple.  Do you think that is a good way to calm down?


Should Students Have to Wear School Uniforms?

I read the article “Should Students Have to Wear School Uniforms?  I was about a debate between two sides.  The pro school uniforms and against school uniforms.  The pro school uniforms say, “School uniforms make schools safer for students. They say that uniforms create a “level playing field.” Students who wear uniforms are less worried about who has the nicest clothes. So they pay more attention to their schoolwork.”  Against school uniforms say, “Kids express themselves through their clothes. They argue that making them wear uniforms limits this freedom. They also say that uniforms don’t make students behave better or do better in school. Uniforms don’t hide the differences between rich and poor students, they argue. In fact, uniforms actually make them worse.”  Which side would you be on?  I think that I would be on against school uniforms.  I think that school uniforms ruin the fun of expressing yourself through clothes.  I am noticing how some children get in trouble just because they refuse to wear the school uniform.  I think that is unfair.  All they want to do is wear their own clothes and they get in trouble.  What do you think about this situation and how do you think people could solve it?