Outdoor Pre-School

It’s not unusual for teachers to take their students outdoors to learn, but imagine if their classrooms were already outdoors. In Germany, there’s a preschool where its walls, toys, and tools for learning are entirely outside. Click below to watch!


If your classroom could be outdoors for the day, what would you study? What would you need to make the outdoor classroom work for you? Please leave your thoughts in the space below.

52 thoughts on “Outdoor Pre-School

    1. its too. Also i want to study how nature works too! ( I also want to study what my comment says)

  1. I would study nature and I would need a paper and a pencil. Also if it was outdoors we would need a water bottle. 😀 :).

  2. I would study nature and insects. I would bring a notebook out side and sketch the things out side.

  3. I would would study trees and how they age and learn what are the different varieties of wood. 😀 🙂 😀 🙂

  4. 1: they study the great outdoors by learning it in the forest.2: a witting knife and a note book to sketch some fascinating trees,plants,bugs and more

  5. I would study about the animals and if they need help and what food they eat so they don’t get hurt.

  6. I would study the animals and nature from outside and make a collage. And it would work for me because I like animals and nature! And I’d bring a notebook,pencil and a chrome book.

  7. I would study animals. And I would bring, a notepad, pencil, camera, snack, and a water bottle, and store everything in a backpack.

  8. I would stay out and study all sorts of things like insects and bugs. I will just need a knife and natures supplies.

  9. I also want to study rainwater and I would need a raincoat with smiley faces on it and matching rain boots.

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