Narrative Self Reflection

I am really proud of my narrative, Defense Within. At first I was going to make my narrative about saving a bird, but then I noticed that I would want to write about something more recent and something that I can easily write about. So I changed my topic.

 I changed my topic to Tae Kwon Do. I changed my topic to this because I really like Tae Kwon Do, and this experience was very recent. The topic of my story is Tae kwon Do, but it’s actually about my first time sparring.

 Something that I really liked in my story were the comparisons. I tried using comparisons to let my reader visualize my story. At the end I think that the comparisons really helped my story.

I think that making this narrative helped me get better at editing. My editing is much better now, and I am more descriptive in my writing.

Some things that I think a narrative should include are comparisons, dialogue, and show not tell. I think that a narrative should include these things because these can help a reader understand and visualize a story.

One of my favorite parts from my story is when I went inside the room. I liked this part because I used a lot of comparisons in that part. I also like the introduction because it has dialogue in the first part of the story, and it makes the reader want to read more.

I had trouble coming up with my narrative cover, because all the images that came up were real people and I wanted something like a drawing instead. But then I found an image that I liked and I used it. It was a drawing-like image, and I made a blue background and then added my title, Defense Within.

I chose the title Defense Within not only because I am learning how to defend myself. But because I found that I was pretty good at sparring and that I had it in me to do sparring.

We also had a publishing celebration. We put our narratives out on our tables and read each other’s narratives. This was really fun because I got to see other people’s narratives and see how they were different from each other. I also got to see different techniques people used.   

last narrative