Feature Article Reflection

About a month ago I made my Feature Article. My feature article was about cats. I chose cats because I really like cats, and I wanted to know more about them than the basics.

I was stuck on my title, I wanted to make it sound interesting but I couldn’t think of anything. But then I finally came up with an idea: “Thinking like a Cat.” I chose this because my article was about how to take care of a cat and things that you may have not known.

For my introduction, I did an anecdote. I did an anecdote because personally I think that they are interesting and really hook the reader.

The next thing I had to do was actually write. The writing process wasn’t as hard as I expected it would be. The topics I wrote about were, “Getting your Cat,” “Health,” “Grooming,” and “Feeding.” I chose these topics because they were the basics of having a cat. I wrote and at the end I edited it.

There were some challenges in making my feature article. Formatting was hard because I had too much information, and I couldn’t fit all of it on my pages so I got rid of some of it. I thought of making a fun facts page. But then I changed my mind because I didn’t have enough room for this. Another challenge were the images. I couldn’t find images that I liked. For example. I wanted a cat diagram, but I couldn’t find one that I liked.

One feature I included in my article were pie charts. I didn’t have enough room for images, and I couldn’t find a good image, so instead I made pie charts. I did this because they gave information and they also gave some facts that most people didn’t know. I also included a little, black cat icon on two of my pages. I couldn’t fit it on my other pages. I also wrote about what I do with my cat, so then the reader could also do the same.

In my conclusion I summarized my main idea. The main idea I wanted to bring forward is that cats are harder than you think, but they’re still worth it.

At the end when we were all finished with our articles we had a publishing share. We put our articles on our desks and everyone read each other’s and commented on things that they liked about their article. The thing I got commented most on was my information/detail and my pie charts.

Overall, I think I did a good job on my feature article. But I do think I could have done better with the formatting. I also think that I could have done better with my “Health” page.


Here is my presentation:

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