Creating My Immigration Interview Wevideo

After our interview we made a video of the immigrants journey. Our choices were a wevideo or an adobe video. It was supposed to sound like a story instead of an interview. 

Before we made the video we had to do a script for the video. I chose to do a wevideo. We had to write down what we would say and how it would look like/sound. We also had to write the timing. This would help us form the video more easily. The script was hard to make because if I changed one thing I would have to change the whole thing. For example if I changed my wording I would have to change the timing. We also had to choose photos for our video. This was hard for me because I didn’t have any photos from my dad so I had to choose photos from the internet that match what I was saying.

When I finished my script I started doing my wevideo. It was easy because I knew what to put because of my script. But while I made the wevideo I noticed some things that needed to be changed so when I changed them I also had to change my script. After putting my images I had to do my voiceover. This was frustrating because if I made a mistake I had to record it over again. It was also hard to find a quiet spot but I ended up using the closet.

But in the end my wevideo looked really good and I think that this was a really fun project because I can carry this video on and always know my dad’s story.