Building Our Rube Goldberg

When we started to build we started with how we were gonna start it. We tested out a bunch of things the could work and found the best one. Next we built how we were gonna finish it. Since we already knew how we were gonna finish it we got right to work. We wanted to build the start and end and fill in the middle. After we were done with the end we when back to the begin and added on. Then we added on to the end and found a way for each side to meet together. We built each part separately and tested them out. When we made sure that each part worked then added it all together.

1 Comment on Building Our Rube Goldberg

  1. kkattan25
    January 31, 2018 at 11:39 pm (6 years ago)

    I loved how you told me what we did when we were building it and why we did it in your order. This is totally up to you, but I think that you might want to re word the first sentence, it makes sense, but I think that you could be more clear.


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