Coding #4

My last coding project is on scratch. It’s a game where there is a bowl and a stars. The stars fall from the sky and you try and catch them in the bowl. The bowl moves so it’s easier. When the star lands in the bowl then you will hear a pop sound. There is also a score board and it tells you how many you have caught. This is a two player game. You try to get 50 stars in your bowl. When you get 50 stars the screen with say Bowl 1 won or Bowl 2 won. It’s depending on who won. Each bowl is a different color so it’s easier to know which one is yours. To move the blue bowl you use the a and s keys on the keyboard. The s key makes your bowl move left and the a makes the bowl move right. To move the red bowl you use the right and left arrow key. Have fun!

Here is my project:

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