Technology #10
over the past couple of days we have been working on our automatas. To start we made our box and cut triangles to make the box more straight. Next I made the hole on the side so I can put the stick in. After that I cut a little square and also poked a hole through that and put the stick through it. After that I cut out my cam and follower. After I cut it Mr. Calvert said that my follower is a better size for my cam so I used that more my cam and cut a new follower. I then thought about if I still wanted to do the jump rope because we only had 2 days to do it so I decided to just do a flag because its a lot simpler. I added that to the top and added my follower and then I was almost done, I just needed to add pennies so I did and I was done! I thought this was really cool to make and I really enjoyed making it.