My box

So in technology I have been working on a wood box. It has been a very long process but I am almost done. Just yesterday I cut off the lid. And now I have to belt sand the lid and then I am moving on to staining. I think that is the last part but […]

New switches in tech!

Today we made switches in tech and it was very hard. We had to put wires on a breadboard. There were lights on the end and and we had to get them to light up by connecting the wires a  battery. Then we would connect the wires on to our switches, by using cables that […]

Safety in Technology

Here are some safety rules in technology- slow down, think before you act dress responsibly-tie hair back long hair, no baggy clothes and dangling jewelry don’t assume you know training before tools power tools need concentration-NO TALKING WHEN USING MACHINERY protect your eyes-always wear safety glasses before using machine get instruction, get permission, inspect machinery […]


Automata are things with moving parts inside. They are mecanichiel things. You cut cardboard and make things go either side to side up and won and more. I made something turn side to side. It was fun to make. I tired to do a catapiller but it didn’t work. Bye see you guys later


Scissors. Scissors are a good tool. They can also be dangorous. You can cut yourself. But they also cut things for you. There are different types of scissors. THey can cut many things. Including you. I like scissors. SOme are made for kids and some for adults. The lesson is that scissors are a good […]


So soldering is where you melt a specific type of metal that sticks and kinda of glue things together. It really hurts if it touches you. I learned the hard way. It is 750 degreeses. We made solder people with it. We took gold metal and melted it together. And then we made a little […]


We learned about atoms and played a really fun game. Atoms create energy and battery power. Atoms is pronounce adam but it is spelled atom because it is more scientific that way. There are three parts of an atom protons,  neutrons and electrons.that is what it looks like

Native Americans

Hi guys,   I am currently studying Native American Traditions, and I am so excited to share some of my research with you! I studied three tribes altogether the Mohawk tribe, the Cayuga tribe, and the Mohican tribe. I chose these tribes because I wanted to do tribes that are native to New York. I […]