Tech Post: Timber Harvest

I was surprised at how hard and dangerous logging was. It was very risky to be a logger. I was also surprised at all the machines needed throughout the logging process. Also, machine evolution through the years was incredible. It was so interesting how some of the jobs people had to do in the less recent videos had been entirely replaced by machines. One last thing I noticed was that most people think that the entire process is just cutting down the tree, but you have to turn the logs to usable lumber as well.

Tech Post: Building

I think that building something means creating something with materials. It looks like putting something together out of things that were either intended or not intended for the purpose. In 6th grade, I built an automaton. I got frustrated sometimes when pieces didn’t fit together or I messed something up, but it felt great when it started to work. I built it alone, but sometimes I got help from the teacher or friends. I don’t still have it, because it wasn’t finished by the time Covid hit, so I never got it back. I enjoy building things because there is something nice about doing and making things yourself.

Picture Essay Blog Post #1

We got a new project in English. It is a picture essay. A picture essay is basically a collection of pictures that together tell a story. You can have a caption, paragraph, or nothing explaining it. I chose to have captions. The topic of the photo essay is our life in the coronavirus. I already finished mine. This is it:


You may have to click the link, then it takes you to the video. We are all going to share these on Monday. Another thing that we had to do was do a rough sketch of the pictures. This is mine:

That is the end of this post. I hope you enjoyed.

Fantasy Blog #2

Today I wrote an analytical paragraph. There are some comfortable parts and some challenging about writing it. The comfortable parts are that when I am writing it, I feel like I am reflecting on what the characters have done, but I am also reflecting on what I would’ve done If I were in their position. I also like how when I analyze what the characters did, I feel like I am also learning from their mistakes and their successes. A challenging part is that sometimes I’m writing it and I just don’t  understand why the character did something, but when I think about it more I start realizing what was going through the characters mind. Another challenge is that when I am using a quote, I sometimes don’t  remember the exact words or page number, but that only happened once and I figure it out. This concludes my second fantasy blog post.

Fantasy Blog #1

This is my first Fantasy Unit Blog Post. My feelings on the fantasy genre are that I like it, but I think that realistic fiction is better. I find that sometimes fantasy books are hard to understand and have a lot of things going on in the beginning, without the author explaining most of it. I don’t really like that, but as the story goes on and I start understanding more of what’s happening, I really enjoy reading it. My favorite fantasy book is probably Percy Jackson, because I could really relate to the story and its characters. I am reading four books for this unit: Mazes of Power, Barbary Station, Cry Pilot, and Embers of War. Overall, I am really excited to start this new unit.

Passion Project #7: Coping With These Times

As I’m sure you know, these times means the coronavirus quarantine. It has been pretty tough to not have a teachers guidance with this project, but there were some benefits of not being in a school environment for this project. One of them was that I was able to do the project at my own pace, like I could work on one thing when I wanted to and another thing another time. There were also challenges. One challenge was that we had basically no guidelines, which is also good, but it was kind of tough because I was always questioning what I was doing and if it was right. Another challenge is that we couldn’t really ask Mr. DeBerry any questions unless they were important, meaning that we couldn’t just check in with him whenever we wanted. I learned about myself during this project that if I really push myself, I can do really hard things, and that I can be self resourceful if I really try. Something tough was the time management, because sometimes I found that I was procrastinating a little bit. This is my last Passion Project blog post. Bye!

Tech Post #9/Last Day :(

Today is the last day of Quarter 3, making it the last day of Tech. Next quarter I will have Art. I am really sad that that Tech is over, but I am happy to be moving on to a new Quarterly. I really enjoyed Tech, and I learned a lot from it. For example, I learned how a type of machine called an automaton works, I learned what sautering was, I learned about atoms and electricity, and I learned a lot about mechanical engineering. I am very grateful that I got the opportunity to learn about all of this because I probably never would have if I hadn’t taken this course. My favorite part was when we did our automata because I could let my creativity take over and do whatever it wanted. I will really miss Tech. Goodbye. 🙁

Tech Post#8/Truss Project

So, last post I talked about how triangles are the strongest shape. Today we did a project called the Truss project, which showed that triangles really are the strongest shape. In the Truss project, we first had to make a cube with toothpicks and marshmallows to connect them. Then we put a book on top of it, and if it didn’t collapse, we put another one, and so on. My cube broke apart after the first book, but that might be because the marshmallows broke because of all the pressure. Then I made 3 triangular prisms, put them in a triangle on my table, and put a book on top of it. It didn’t break until the third book, proving that triangles really were stronger than squares and any other shape. This project was really informative, and I had fun with it. Bye!

Tech Post 7/Triangles

In Tech we learned about triangles and how they are the strongest shape. This really fascinated me because I always thought that every shape had equal strength, but know that I know about this, it makes perfect sense. A square can be made into a parallelogram, and a hexagon can twist into another shape, but if you think about a triangle, it can’t really contort in any way. I also never thought about this, but bridges have so many hidden triangles it’s crazy. Also, a lot of other structures do too, some beams have them. This concludes my post. Goodbye!

Passion Project #6: Final Project

For my final project, I am making a game with Unity. It is really cool so far, and I am very proud of how much I’ve learned. I will also be making a slideshow about Unity itself, as in its founders and how it was made. I chose to make a game as my final project because I’m studying a game engine, so it wouldn’t really make sense not to make a game for the final project to show what I’ve learned from studying it. Also, I’ve always wanted to make a real game, and I had to take advantage of this opportunity to make one. I chose to make a slideshow too because the game just shows THAT I’ve learned, but I also want to show WHAT I’ve learned.  Overall, I am really excited to show off my game and am very thankful I’ve been given the opportunity to study my passion for school. Thank you!

This is a video of me playing my game: