Passion Project – Initial Thoughts

In class we are doing a passion project on problems in the classroom. My problem that I would like to fix is too much garbage going in the recycling. The way I will stop this is that I will take the garbage out of the recycling. Then the earth will be cleaner.

Another idea that I have is that we should do more partner work but people choose the same partners every time. The way I will try to fix this problem is I will make an invention that chooses the partners. This will help because people always go with their friends, and they end up never getting any work done because they are too busy talking.

One other idea that I have is that some people are talking during fire drills. One way to solve this problem is that anyone who talks gets a strike. 3 strikes in 6 fire drills is a call home. This will make other students scared to get a call home, so they won’t talk during fire drills.


No Fortnite During the Week!

No Fortnite During the Week!

By: Danny


It was the last day of summer. It was about 10:00 p.m. I was about to go to sleep. I had a bad case of the butterflies. Then my mom came in, turned of the lights, said goodnight to me, and closed the door. I stayed up for a really long time. Or so it seemed to me. Every second seemed like an hour. After a long time of withholding mixed thoughts and emotions, I went into the last sleep of the 2018 summer vacation. But there was something else that was about to be thrown into the mix. I awoke to my mom saying “Finally Danny, you’re awake. I’ve been trying to get you up for half an hour now. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you a new rule. No Fortnite during the week.”


“What!” I stood with a start. “No Fortnite during the week?” “But that’s crazy!” But my mom had already left. “Oh well” I thought. “I will deal with this when I come back from my first day of school.” Little did I know, there would be no changing this absurd rule. Soon, it was time to go to school. I got dressed, ate breakfast, and brushed my teeth. Then I got into the car, drove to my school, and then went into the classroom.

.              .             .

After a long day at school, I had finally finished up my homework. But when I asked my grandma if I could play some Fortnite, she said no. I was confused. And then I remembered. The new rule! When my mom got home, I asked her if she could please change the rule. When she answered with a big fat no, I knew that this rule was here to stay. I couldn’t change it for the world. After a long week of begging, the weekend was finally here. Fortnite time! But I realized something. I wasn’t really that sad about the “No Fortnite!” rule anymore. I was more used to not playing Fortnite for a really long time. Though I still liked to play Fortnite, I was used to not playing it a lot and was less mad about the new rule!

Isaac Newton Biography

Isaac Newton Biography


Have you ever heard of Isaac Newton? If you haven’t heard of him, then keep reading! Isaac Newton was born in 1643, on January 4th. He was born in a Manor called Woolsthorpe Manor, in The United Kingdom. When he was a child, he was playing with his friends. He got really tired and sat under an apple tree. Then an apple fell on his head. That was when he discovered the 3 laws of motion.You can learn more about that in my infographic at

At age 17, his mom told him to become a farmer. If he had listened, we wouldn’t know about gravity! He also discovered f=ma, which means Force=Mass x Acceleration. Many people know that he was knighted. That means that instead of calling him Mr. Isaac Newton, people back then called him Sir Isaac Newton.

He was knighted not because of his many great discoveries, but because of the fact that he worked in the Royal Mint. The Royal Mint controls the money in the United Kingdom. Back then, there was a team of scientists called the Royal Society. They were the most respected scientists in all of the United Kingdom. And Isaac Newton was the president of the Royal Society. Now that you know all about Isaac Newton’s life, you can learn more about his discoveries in my infographic in the link above! Thanks for reading!

#Go Patriots!

I don’t know if you follow the Patriots or not, but I am a BIG fan 😀. You might know that they are not the top team this season. I just watched the Chiefs Patriots game, and I think they did really well 😁. The final score was 40-43 Patriots. The Chiefs are one of the top teams this season, so it was a big upset when the Patriots beat them. But not for me (;. While I was watching the game, I was eating a donut 🍩 and drinking soda 🥤. When they won, I nearly spilled my soda! Overall, the Patriots are a great team and I have a lot of fun watching their games!