Passion Project #4: Learning About Myself

I have learned a lot about myself already during this Passion Project and these times. One of the major things I’ve learned about myself is that as a learner, I would much rather be doing things hands on, like the actual coding part, than be doing research. But I know that both of these are important, so I have to push myself to be doing great research. I’ve also learned that I can be very resourceful when I need to be. I already kind of knew this about myself, but I am seeing it in action during this project. As I expected, there is not much about Unity’s creators and facts, so it was tough to find good information, but I figured it out. What I have learned about myself as a reader is that I try to find only the most important things in articles and not really read them, so I am trying to stop doing that and read the whole article. As a writer, I have realized I tend  to go straight to what I think is important information, but now I am trying to write the whole story, not just the cool parts. I know that I have a tendency to procrastinate, but I am trying to shut that off. I think I have really improved as a time manager for myself, and I am trying not to procrastinate with this project.

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