Rube Goldberg #5

Our Rube Goldberg worked! We successfully knocked down a bowling pin with it! We also finished our video. I know I said it would be in the sixth blog post, but the excitement is too much to bear. This is it:


If you didn’t think that was AWESOME, then I think something is wrong with your awesome meter. After that success, we were so excited. The big thing going through our brains was “It finally worked! It finally worked!” We added some fails to hit high on the rubric. We made this with WeVideo because that was really convenient, and we already had accounts and knew how to use it. We might make some last minute edits, and if we do, I’ll put it on my 6th (maybe even 7th) blog post. Michael and my schedules rarely both have free time, so he usually can’t come to my house and I have to work alone. Its much harder working alone because you have to do 2 times as much work as if you were doing it with a partner, but what’s good about working alone is that you have no one to argue about ideas with, and you know you’ll do what is in your mind right. My mom usually subbed for him though. But it was helpful to run ideas by him, even if we had to do it through text. That concludes my 5th blog post. Thanks for reading!

Ways I Can Reduce My Waste

  1. I can bring my own fork to restaurants.
  2. I can not get straws and drink without them.
  3. I can recycle instead of throwing things in the trash.
  4. I can take apart products before recycling them.
  5. I can use a reusable bag instead of getting a plastic bag and throwing it out.
  6. I can try to reuse things instead of throwing them away.
  7. When something breaks, I can try to fix it instead of throwing it away.

It was kind of hard to think of some of these because I initially didn’t think of that many. These are not hard to do. They only require a little extra effort. I would feel good after I do these because I know I just saved the world from the trash I was about to throw out.

The Team Whose Members Started It

My class has been writing an essay on Panyee FC. This is a link to the video: I hope you enjoy my essay!

The Team Whose Members Started It

By: Danny


Have you ever had to make your own lunch? Was it hard? Well, if you thought it was, imagine creating your own soccer team! Crazy, right? Well that is exactly what happened in Koh Panyee, 1986. The boys in “Panyee FC” had to do everything for themselves and never gave up. They had to do everything for themselves because no one was there to help them, and never gave up because they were determined. A group of friends decided to start their own soccer team, and worked very hard building, practicing, and eventually, placing 3rd in a tournament at the mainland. They started a legacy which lead to them being Southern Thailand Youth Champions in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.


The boys in “Panyee FC” have to do everything for themselves and never give up. They have to do everything for themselves because no one is there to help them. They never give up because they’re determined. One reason for this is that they have to build a pitch by themselves, even though it seems impossible. It seems this way because it demands a lot more time and effort than average kids can give. The boys built the pitch because they wanted to make a soccer club, but no one was there to support them, so they had to support themselves, and they succeeded. I saw them practicing as hard as they can by playing games and improving their footwork and precision. In the text it says “We figured we’d have to create our own space” This means that they had to build their own pitch. They did this because they were determined to play soccer, even if nobody supported them. I know this because in the video they were working very hard to build the pitch and develop their skills. I saw them gathering wood, hammering the wood, and painting the goals.


The boys in “Panyee FC” have to do everything for themselves and never give up. They have to do everything for themselves because no one is there to help them and never give up because they are determined. Another reason for this is that the boys didn’t give up in the semi-finals of the tournament, even when they were losing. I saw them much more encouraged and ready to win during the second half of the game, when they came up with the idea to take off their shoes. When the boys put the shoe taking off plan in motion, they scored two goals on the other team because they were used to playing in bare feet because on their pitch they always played in bare feet, maybe because they couldn’t afford shoes. I saw them scoring goals because the video showed clips with good shots of both of their goals. In the text it states “We got rid of our wet boots” This means they took off their rain-filled soccer shoes. They did this because they knew they wouldn’t win with those heavy, wet boots on, so they took them off and that felt more comfortable for them. I know this because they had better footwork and were faster without shoes. I saw them scoring hard goals and juking the other team without shoes.


The boys in “Panyee FC” have to do everything for themselves and never give up. They have to do everything for themselves because no one is there to help them and never give up because they are determined. The demeaning villagers didn’t stop them because they were determined. I saw this when the boys were being laughed at and being made fun of by the villagers. When the villagers teased the boys, the boys always kept going on and practicing together. I saw this when the villager was laughing at them, but they still came up with the idea to build a pitch. In the text it states “Look around you. Look where you live.” This means that the villagers were trying to pull them down. The villagers did this because they thought the boys were crazy because they had never seen anything like what the boys were doing. I know this because in the video the villagers laughed at the boys but the boys continued playing anyway. I saw the villager laughing very hard when he heard the boys plan to create a soccer club.


These are some questions I have for the boys. One is “Did the boys think about what would happen if one of the other team’s players stepped on their bare feet?” Probably not, because if I were them, I would keep my shoes on for fear of someone stepping on them. Another question I have is “Did the villagers feel bad for making fun of the boys and laughing at them when the boys actually created the legacy and won a lot of games?” I think that they probably did because when the villagers realised that the boys were really good and had passion, they realised that they had brought the boys down and I think they felt really bad.


All these reasons show that the boys in “Panyee FC” have to do everything for themselves and never give up. They have to do everything for themselves because no one is there to help them and never give up because they are determined. The lesson these boys learned is that no matter what happens, you should follow your dream until it becomes reality. They learned this when they realized they didn’t have anywhere to play but then built a pitch. Also, they didn’t give up and followed their dream to play soccer when they didn’t stop playing when the villagers laughed at them. This applies to my life because I want to be a coder when I grow up, so I have to learn how and go to classes to achieve that. This text has many life lessons and is a good video. I really enjoyed it. It taught me a lot about life and lessons.

Rube Goldberg Blog Post #1

Today my friend Michael and I started something called Rube Goldberg. We set our things up in my upstairs bathroom. We know what we want to accomplish already. We are attempting to turn on a phone, which is a simple task, but we have to do many complicated steps achieve it. We have already created a sketch and thought about what materials we will use. They include Dominos, Marbles, Toilet Paper Roles, and Wooden Blocks. Stay tuned in my feed to learn more about Rube Goldberg and follow me and Michael across our steps, our tries, and our fails.

Three Sentence Summary: Counting By 7’s #2

“Counting By 7’s”, by Holly Goldberg Sloan, is about a girl named Willow, who is very smart, but doesn’t fit in because of it. After being accused of cheating because of the fact that she got 100% on a test that no one else in California got a perfect score on, she has to see a counselor, and while there, she makes a friend named Mai, and when Willows parents die in a car crash, Mai stands with her. Because of that event, Willow is broken and refuses to go to school and even leaves custody at the hospital to go to the library, and it becomes obvious that Willow has killed every care she had for humanity and her life.

This is a great book and I recommend it if you like Realistic Fiction.

This is the book cover:

Three Sentence Summary: Counting By 7’s

My book, “Counting By 7’s”, by Holly Goldberg Sloan, is about a girl named Willow who is very smart but doesn’t fit in. When she gets 100% on a test that no one else in California got a perfect score on, she is accused of cheating by her principal and has to see a counselor, and while at a session, makes a friend there named Mai. Then her parents die in a car crash, and by hearing this news, Willow goes into a state of depression and starts keeping to herself.

This is a great book and I recommend it if you like realistic fiction like I do.


This is the book cover:

Holiday Break

I am really excited for holiday break. It is this Friday. I will hang out with all my friends who are staying. Also, most of my activities will be closed for Christmas and New Year. My friends and I made a company, and a website to go along with it. It is called “Zindell”. If you want to check the website out, view my blog post titled “Zindell”. There is a link to my website attached to it. Holiday break is 2 weeks long. I leave school for the last time in 2018 on December 21st, and come back on January 7th, 2019! I am actually leaving early on Friday. I will leave at about 2 p.m. with my brother. I will miss school, but I am excited to have fun with my friends, and celebrate Christmas and the New Year!

Philly Walking Tour

Philly Walking Tour


By: Danny


Philadelphia, November 9th, 2018


Heathcote’s 5th Graders break into groups, and start their walking tour. The fifth graders first went into Document Hall. In there, they saw the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution. They were lucky enough to have a teacher come and talk to them about the three documents. After that, the fifth graders left Document Hall.

Fifth graders Daniel and Cyrus got separated from their group and went with another mom. But then, just in time, the heroic Ms. Boyer came to the rescue. After sprinting through the rain, Daniel and Cyrus finally rejoined their group.

The group then went into the building where the Liberty Bell is housed. What stood in front of them was a long hallway filled with pictures and captions. At the end of that long hallway, they saw history’s most famous bell, one that had a crack which was made bigger in an attempt to fix it – You guessed it! I’m talking about the Liberty Bell.

After taking  pictures and bellfies, the group left exhibit and met up at the National Constitution Center, which had bathrooms that – in this reporter’s opinion – are absolutely luxurious! It had amazing sinks, clean urinals, and sanitary stalls! After that encounter, which the students would never forget, they got back on the bus, awaiting the long ride home.

No Fortnite During the Week!

No Fortnite During the Week!

By: Danny


It was the last day of summer. It was about 10:00 p.m. I was about to go to sleep. I had a bad case of the butterflies. Then my mom came in, turned of the lights, said goodnight to me, and closed the door. I stayed up for a really long time. Or so it seemed to me. Every second seemed like an hour. After a long time of withholding mixed thoughts and emotions, I went into the last sleep of the 2018 summer vacation. But there was something else that was about to be thrown into the mix. I awoke to my mom saying “Finally Danny, you’re awake. I’ve been trying to get you up for half an hour now. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you a new rule. No Fortnite during the week.”


“What!” I stood with a start. “No Fortnite during the week?” “But that’s crazy!” But my mom had already left. “Oh well” I thought. “I will deal with this when I come back from my first day of school.” Little did I know, there would be no changing this absurd rule. Soon, it was time to go to school. I got dressed, ate breakfast, and brushed my teeth. Then I got into the car, drove to my school, and then went into the classroom.

.              .             .

After a long day at school, I had finally finished up my homework. But when I asked my grandma if I could play some Fortnite, she said no. I was confused. And then I remembered. The new rule! When my mom got home, I asked her if she could please change the rule. When she answered with a big fat no, I knew that this rule was here to stay. I couldn’t change it for the world. After a long week of begging, the weekend was finally here. Fortnite time! But I realized something. I wasn’t really that sad about the “No Fortnite!” rule anymore. I was more used to not playing Fortnite for a really long time. Though I still liked to play Fortnite, I was used to not playing it a lot and was less mad about the new rule!