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Swift Playgrounds 1

Blog Post 4

Similar to our first blog post, write a short paragraph in which you summarize the work of one of the programmers featured in the video. What do you find impressive or interesting or exciting or admirable about their work? How does coding make this work possible? Does Keira (the girl featured throughout the video) or any of the programmers say anything about coding that is helpful as you think about writing code?

Blog Post 5

1. Pick any “Commands” section activity.

2. Type up a plan — a set of directions in plain English — for what needs to happen to solve the challenge. For example,

  • Byte moves forward 3 steps
  • Byte turns left
  • Byte moves forward 2 steps
  • Byte toggles the switch
  • etc…

3. Take a screenshot that shows the successful completion of the puzzle

4. Upload the picture to your blog post

5. Discuss anything that was a little harder to figure out, and any problem solving strategies that helped…

6. Publish and submit the blog post form to Schoology. (Note: this week’s form has space for both blog posts 4 and 5.)



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