My Passion Project Journal #1

Hello again,

This is my Passion Project Journal that I have to do. So, I picked Athena the Greek goddess of war and wisdom as my Passion Project subject. I found a lot of good resources thankfully there are a lot of people who like Athena as much as I do. Note that on my header image there is a girl whose name is Annabeth she is a character from Percy Jackson also she is the daughter of Athena making er my favorite character in the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus series. Okay now back to the project.

My teacher says that we have to write about what was your process for selecting a topic? How and why did you end up settling on your topic and decide upon research questions? So my process for selecting a was to think about hmmm what do i really want to learn more about. Now, first I thought about doing Ancient Greece I mean they are my favorite ancient civilization. But then while I was in bed I was thinking about my choice. Then I had like the weirdest dream Athena came to me and she was all “ Pick me as your Passion Project subject. I know you study me a lot but there is still more to learn.” Then she left so when I woke up in the morning I just completely rewrote my Proposal and submitted it at like 9:53.

Okay now other question. So I decided on research questions by thinking what do I really want to know? So that’s how i figured out what I wanted for my research questions. So like yeah.

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