Technology 7 Blog Post #1 – How It’s Made

People have been playing with marbles since the dawn of time, whether they were clay, stones or something else. But in these times, marbles are made of glass. Glass is the best thing to use to make this because it is pretty while also inexpensive and useless. Most companies make marbles by using recycled glass that was sent back for being too big, too small or not the correct shape. They heat all of that in an oven that is 220º after that stays in there for 16 hours, the glass is flowed down into a machine that shapes the marbles. To make smaller or larger marbles they adjust the machine which cuts at 1/2 second intervals. Then in 72 hours, they’re done cooling and ready to go. The more intricate marbles are handmade. Those marbles are heated in a small oven and then handcrafted to the perfect size and design.

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