Casptone Interview

Yesterday, My mom and I interviewed Monassa, Rehma’s Mom, who is a rheumatologist. She treats patients with an autoimmune problem. An autoimmune disease is when white blood cells and neutrophils start attacking the body’s own tissue. Rheumatoid Arthritis is an example of this. Cells release certain enzymes that break down the cartilage and ligaments in between the bones, causing movement at the joints painful. Another autoimmune disease is Lupus. This is the same except the cells target vital organs and healthy tissue. This can cause damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver.

We started off with a few scientifical questions. Since we couldn’t find an immunologist, she was the other option. We had to skip some questions since they had to do with immunology so she couldn’t answer them. The interview went on for 27 min. Rehma and I had to wait for an hour for our parents to stop talking. My mom and I went home in the rain with a lot of information.

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