Switches 2

Now it’s time to talk about the third switch. First of all, I had this interesting idea. There would be a piece of cardboard with a line cut inside it with a second flap of cardboard inside this line. You would have to pull back to create contact between the smaller flap and a wall of aluminum at the back, closing the circuit. There would also be a rubber band at the front creating resistance, so you did not have to pull the flap forward again when you desired to open the switch. Here is where it starts going sideways. The whole that I cut in the large piece of cardboard was not long enough for the flap to fully touch the back wall, so then I thought the back wall could rotate to the cardboard as the flap touches the bottom. I still shun myself for being such an idiot. The flap still can’t  touch the bottom because it was too small & short. Eventually, the final idea that came out of me was to use this new rotating lever to press down on the flap. People asked why there was a long hole in the cardboard and it was painful to lie to them. I hope that never happens again.

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