Electric Eli

go blue

Sharks and Whales Podcast🦈

This was our first podcast. I made it with Max, Cy and Andrew. Making the script was very challenging coming up with what everyone says and when they say it. Then we rehearsed a few times for our class. Then we made a a lot of more edits. Then it was recording day and while we were saying it we noticed we forgot the conclusion. So we had to record again then we got it right.


Constitution Center

November 9 2018

The Heathcote fifth graders went to the constitution center. First they saw a lot of things about Alexander Hamilton like his famous quotes. They also saw a copy of the gun he got shot with then the kids saw a Hamilton poster with some information about him. 

After they learned about Hamilton they saw an old room where he had fights. In that room they showed how people fought 10 steps away from each other. There was also a square that said Hamilton stood here.  Next to that there was some cards about some of Hamilton’s fights. One of the cards was about how Hamilton got shot and killed. 

Then half the grade went to go see a show, when they saw it at the start of the show the actors were in the stands. After every scene the actors changed so fast. Then once they came from that show they went to go see another show. When they walked in to the other show some of them were amazed by the seating, the seats were really high up. Above the setas there was a screen that went around the room that showed pictures of what the actor was talking about it helped some of the kids.

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2 Practices


I was in the car with my friends, coming home from soccer. My mom said to me ”you have football practice.” During soccer practice I was not feeling well. I did not want to tell my mom I was not feeling well. I didn’t want to tell my mom I was not feeling well because I was in the car with my friends and if I told her with my friends my mom would be angry with me that I didn’t tell her without my friends in the car. My mom made me go to football because my friends were going. The only reason I didn’t want to go to football was that I was sick and I thought I would end up being okay but I was not. I was feeling worse because in football I had to run a lot.


When I came home from football I actually told my mom I was not feeling well. Then my mom took my temperature and I was sick. “Sorry I didn’t tell you I was not feeling well” “you haven’t been feeling well the whole day?” “ I thought I could fight through the pain”. Then that weekend I couldn’t play in any sports games and I was really bored. My mom was angry with me that I didn’t tell her. I was really upset with myself that I didn’t speak up. I learned that I should have told my mom because I would have been feeling better for the weekend because I had more rest.

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Poetry Reflection

When I was writing my poems I had fun writing the list and shape poems because those were the easiest. I thought the right now poems were challenging because it was hard writing about what is going on and adding like similes and metaphor to it. The two voice poems were fun to write because I was pretending I was a ball and I was fighting with a bat about who is better. I really liked the close observation poems too because I like to describe things and that’s what close observations are about everything about the topic you chose. The question poems were really fun because the mentor I chose was rhyming so I tried to make all of my question poems rhyme. I did not like the I remember poems the best because I thought it was hard to come up with a topic. Poetry is my favorite type of “https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1mD7_aFBmE5iAOZY45Y18mANK-eO2mg0hOfLmvLZb9wI/edit#slide=id.g38dcf70b42_0_2″>

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The Face Kicker

Ryan was playing soccer outside in his backyard. Ryan’s brother Luke asked him to play with him. Ryan said yes because he had a plan. Luke and Ryan were playing soccer together.


Then their sister Logan came out and wanted to play with her toys. When Logan was walking to her toys. Ryan purposely kicked the ball in Logan’s face. But Logan couldn’t see if it was Luke or Ryan. Then Logan went into the house crying. There mom came out and Ryan was not there he went upstairs and was playing video games, while Luke was getting yelled at. That night Ryan did still not admit it was him.


Luke kept on telling his parents it was not him but they did not believe him. Two weeks later Ryan finally told the truth.

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The monkey steel

One day I was in costa rica with my family. I went to the beach to see my friend Sam and his family. Me and Sam were playing in the ocean. Then we went into the hot tub and the pool it was awesome. It was at Sam’s hotel.

Then we went back to the beach and someone spotted a monkey. The monkey was climbing in a tree. I forgot what kind of monkey it was, but it’s face was yellow. So many people were taking pictures of it. He was with another monkey but you could not really see him. The monkey was just sitting there for a few minutes and people started going back into the ocean but then… The monkey was doing crazy tricks in the tree he jumped from one tree to another. It was so cool but I thought he was going to fall on me. People were going crazy.

The monkey spotted a bag and a banana was inside the bag, so the monkey climbed down the tree. The monkey swiped the banana from the bag. Then the monkey climbed up the tree with the banana, he ate it.The monkey dropped the banana peels on the ground. When the person came to eat there banana it was not there. She did not know where the banana went. Then she saw the monkey ate it but they were not that angry the monkey ate it. Everyone was laughing. She knew the monkey ate it because she looked up and saw the monkey dropping the banana peels.


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