Edgewood Historical Society

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Rusticoat Apples

Carl Schorske was an Edgewood student in 1919.

Carl Schorske was an Edgewood student in 1919.

This is an Edgewood Historical Society update from January 5, 2007:  Professor Carl Schorske returned to Edgewood School on this day. When he walked up to the building he said he remembered the greenish-brown apples. Young Carl was an Edgewood student in the early 1920’s when the school was surrounded by russet apples, which he and his friends called rusticoats.  Edgewood School was built in what was once an apple orchard. And while the apples are no longer around, Professor Schorske brought them back, in spirit, for a day, along with other juicy memories. Max Bryant, a third grader from Mr. DelMonaco’s class reports on Professor Schorske’s return trip to his alma mater.



edgewoodhistory • August 9, 2016

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