Blog Post #6 – Reflection on the Unit

I really liked the Rube Goldberg unit. I always wondered how people make Rube Goldberg machines, but now I know I can make my very own Rube Goldberg machine. I have learned a couple things from this unit. One thing I learned was failure can lead to success. I learned  that when everything would not work at the beginning and we learned from our mistakes and made changes and it turned out really good. Another thing I learned was creativity is very important. I learned that when we had two tubes and we tried to tape them, but it just wouldn’t go together. So I came up with to have a paper tube that I cut so everything would go together. I also thought it was so cool how everybody’s Rube Goldberg was different and cool in different ways. I liked seeing other people’s task and that creativity. It was cool to see because I would of never thought of ant of that stuff.

I really liked this unit and I hope I can do another Rube Goldberg. I hope that other people like our Rube Goldberg. This is a unit that I will always remember.




Blog Post #5 – Finally a Success


Finally we had every single step figured out. All of us were sure that it was going to work. On our first try we got to the last step and the ball just missed the goal. Second try, we miss the hoop on the first step. Try number 3 not all of the jenga blocks fell. Try number 4 the ball wasn’t strong enough to hit the truck. Six more fails. Try 11, evevrything works, the ball goes in the goal. Success!!!

When I came home, I was proud with what we accomplished. I really hope that our Rube Goldberg video turns out good.

Here’s our Rube Goldberg Video

Blog Post #4 – Changes


My group and I got a lot of steps done. We had a whole plan and I was  sure that it was going to work. We didn’t think about how many steps we had because we were so happy about what we did. First try everything worked well, it was a success. We kept doing it and we kept having success.

When I left Chase’s house I was very happy with our success and new steps. Later that night when I was home, I knew that something was wrong but I just couldn’t figure it out. I thought I would just be able to figure it out but I couldn’t. Next day at school I had great ideas for our Rube Goldberg, I thought to have a ramp hit dominos and then hit a ball which hits a truck. Then Reece had an idea to have the truck hit a cup which a soccer ball which goes into the goal. Then I realized we didn’t have enough steps before. I was so happy that we were finally in a good position