Questions and Changes – #1


    In my class we do an immigration unit and you need to interview someone that experienced being an immigrant. You have to ask that person 10-15 questions about their immigration experience. Next, you use something called Spark Video and you make a 3-5 minute video.


   At first, I chose my grandma who was giving me information about my great grandma. My grandma wasn’t an immigrant, but I thought because she knows about my great grandma’s immigration experience I could interview her. Turns out I could not interview my grandma because she never actually experienced being an immigrant. So I had to figure another immigrant. I remember that my Aunt Ali is an immigrant from Canada. My aunt was only 6 when she immigrated, but her father remembers the experience more vividly. So I decided to interview my aunt’s dad.

Here is a link to my interview questions

These are my 10-15 questions that my immigrant will answer. I’m excited to see how he responds to these questions. I can’t wait for the interview.


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