Lima Beans 3rd Week




The lima bean plant can grow without soil. We had 2 manipulated plants which were no air, no sunlight. We had a controlled plant with air, sunlight, water.


No Air

Our no air plant was thriving. The cotyledon was starting to come out of the lima bean. The leaf started to come out of the lima bean. The no air plants were starting to grow. I wasn’t surprised but the no air plant stopped growing. The leaves started to turn yellow. I think no air plant will not grow anymore.

Controlled [air ,sunlight, water]

Only one of the sunlight plants are healthy. The cotyledon is starting to come out of bean 2. I don’t know why all the of the plants are growing in the sunlight. I think the plant is going to keep thriving.

No Sunlight

The no sunlight plant isn’t doing great. The stem is white that is coming out of the lima bean. I think the no sunlight plant is going to die shortly

Similarities and differences  no air and controlled


  • They both were thriving in the beginning
  • They were both green at one point
  • They both went from a seedling to a young plant


  • The controlled stayed green the no air turned yellow
  • The controlled kept thriving and the no air stopped thriving
  • At first the no air was taller than the sunlight

Seed Pods


My plant was doing so good we started having flowers. Cell 2 and cell 4 leaves are green and there are little yellow flowers, but cell 1 and cell 3 are dead. The highest plant is 18 cm. The plant with most leaves has 16 leaves. everyday we started to have more flowers, more leaves and getting taller.


When you pollinate you use a q-tip or wind to separate each flower and a insect gets the pollen grain and the pollen grain goes down the pistil and the then the seed grows and the cycle starts again. The little seeds are called seed pods. The seed pods are the seeds we originally grew the plant with. The seed pods grow bigger everyday. You can take the seed pods out and you can replant the plant again and the cycle will start over and the cycle can go on and on.







Plant unit first week

my soapy water plant and controlled plant

my no sunlight plant


On May 3rd my class started our plant unit. We had a controlled plant and a manipulated plant. My controlled is a plant that we treat well. My manipulated plant is a plant where we have different things on the plant like soil, air, and sunlight. Those are the three different things you can use but the manipulated for example my group used soapy water. It is May 4th and my controlled plant started to grow quickly. My manipulated plant was very dry and didn’t grow which was expected. Now it is may 9th and my controlled is doing well the leaves are green and it is growing taller. The manipulated plant is dry and isn’t growing. I hope the controlled keeps doing what it’s doing and the manipulated starts growing. The no sunlight plant isn’t healthy its leaves are yellow, its stem is grey. but, the plant is tall and is growing every day.



ELA Test Reflection

I didn’t like the ELA test because I had to read a lot of stories and do a lot of multiple questions, short answers and long responses. Also, the test was really long. Every day we did 1 hour 15 minutes of work or more! The first day I read 4 stories and 24 multiple choice questions. The second day I read 3 stories 2 short answers 7 multiple choice questions and an extended response. On the third day I read 3 stories 5 short responses and an extended response. That’s a lot of work isn’t it?


One plastic bag

One Plastic Bag

By miranda paul


Isatou Cessay made me think about why aren’t we reusing plastic bags. If you reuse plastic bags you can make something useful out of the plastic bags, if you don’t reuse the plastic bags animals will eat the plastic bags and get sick. One Plastic Bag is mainly about sheep who eat plastic and get sick, then Isatou uses the plastic and make plastic bags aren’t there anymore so the sheep don’t get sick. My favorite part was when Isatou saved the sheep from eating all the plastic because she saved all the sheep from getting sick.

Image result for one plastic bag

Ted Talk

Ted Talk is mainly about girls who talk about why plastic bags are bad for the environment. The girls said “that only 5% of the plastic bags have been recycled in Bali and that is a bad thing.” My favorite part was when the girls showed pictures on The big screen because they showed what they were doing. This ted talk reminds of one plastic bag.