Feature Article Podcast Reflection

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hTxIcMumcFB0fGDKAskekHLLAvGMOAO1/view   This a link to my podcast


The process for making my podcast was really hard and we had to first decide what topic we were going to talk about. Then we had to write our script and rehearse a lot so we could get it right when we recorded.  After that we recorded and that’s when our practice cane in handy. it was hard to get a sound box and a microphone because there were 20 of us and only 4 microphones so we had to record and the give the tech to other people. last but not least we had to edit and fix our recording. There some challenges during this period of time one was getting a good recording, another one is that we had to add music, and finding the right  music that we liked and also getting our script long enough we had to make sure our script was at least 2 mins long. In conclusion there were multiple steps that we had to finish and challenges along the way but we’re excited to make more podcasts!

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