Capstone — Working on my Final Product

There are 2 major pieces of the final product – one is the sript and the other are slides that go along with it.

Writing the script was difficult because I had to incorporate all of my sub questions while staying in the 6 minute timeframe – – I had too much to say and had to make hard choices around when to keep in and what to cut out.  I learned that the first draft is never the final draft – you must go through and edit.  The script took about 1.5 weeks to complete – my final version is very different than my first draft.

The slides were easier to complete, the pictures have to relate to the script for that slide.  I added the images to my slide show from Google.  I think that if a visual is good then it will help convey the mesasge I am trying to say.   Finding images was pretty simple but there were a lot of images to choose from – I had to carefully pick the ones that first best with my script.

Once all of the my material were finished I had to practice, practice, practice.  I practiced in school with my friends and at home with my parents.  It is a lot of hard work and I still need to keep memorzing my script.  I am still working on this part but I think I will be done and ready by the time I have to present.

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