Colonial America – pt 2 – persona

My name is Eshal Rockwood, I am 20 years old right now. My job is being a doctor, I became a doctor because I kept getting hit so I had to heal myself. My backstory is when I was 10 years old I snuck away on a ship from England to Brazil. I found my aunt and uncle’s house, even though it was better than starting out on the streets, I didn’t really like my stay with my aunt and uncle. Everyday I got hit if I woke up late or accidentally washed the dishes instead of washing the clothes by hand! The only thing I was looking forward to was when I was old enough to live on my own. That was too long of a way away so when I was 15 I snuck on The Crown III which is a ship to the New England colonies where I met some other people to start a new colony! I was at huge risk because I did not pay for it and every now and then there would be a guard walking up and down the ship. I think I have brought a huge success to my colony called Rockwood by making sure everyone is as healthy as they can be. It would have been really hard without a doctor or an other job in fact. Being a docotor is a little bit hard because some of the patients are really not that nice and I have to be in my doctors office by 4 a.m. In the morning, if I am late, I have to think of some sort of excuse to the governor which sometimes can be in a bad mood.

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