Rocket Launch 2

    We launched OUR SECOND ROCKET! The thing that stands out most is that our rocket went pretty high because we had a longer nose cone. All the rockets went pretty high and when I looked up almost all of them went higher than a tree near the field. My job was to launch the rocket and that was really fun! I was a clinometer reader for two groups, The Flying Saucers, and the Astro Rockets. When I was using the clinometer instrument for The Flying Saucers, I think I may have not got the exact height. This rocket went a lot higher, I think it was because we had a longer nose cone. 

    Our rocket went 143ft rounded from 142.7! I think we will keep the size of our nose cone but I want to change the size of our fins. We had pretty big fins and that adds weight so I think if we use smaller fins our rocket would have went higher.

    When we were launching we were all collaborating and we only did things if the whole group would agree. Since Tom was not here, we agreed that he would get to choose loads of things in our third design. As well as collaborating on the launch we collaborated on graphing the data for how high our rocket went. 

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