Colonial America – pt 1 – Overview

In class, we are learning all about Colonial America. We got put in groups for colonial regions: New England, Middle Colonies and Southern Colonies. I chose New England. My class and I also got to name our colonies in our regions, New England’s is Rockwood Colony. The first thing we did was a huge amount of research. Then we started thinking about our names and background stories that we had to make up by ourselves! We are now thinking of our own background stories that we get to make up ourselves! It was huge fun! Mrs Rago (our teacher) is letting us doing this on or own and letting us do things our way. However, she is going to throw disasters at us, such as tornadoes or Native Americans. See ‘Colonial America – pt 2 – persona’ for more information about me!

Colonial America – pt 2 – persona

My name is Eshal Rockwood, I am 20 years old right now. My job is being a doctor, I became a doctor because I kept getting hit so I had to heal myself. My backstory is when I was 10 years old I snuck away on a ship from England to Brazil. I found my aunt and uncle’s house, even though it was better than starting out on the streets, I didn’t really like my stay with my aunt and uncle. Everyday I got hit if I woke up late or accidentally washed the dishes instead of washing the clothes by hand! The only thing I was looking forward to was when I was old enough to live on my own. That was too long of a way away so when I was 15 I snuck on The Crown III which is a ship to the New England colonies where I met some other people to start a new colony! I was at huge risk because I did not pay for it and every now and then there would be a guard walking up and down the ship. I think I have brought a huge success to my colony called Rockwood by making sure everyone is as healthy as they can be. It would have been really hard without a doctor or an other job in fact. Being a docotor is a little bit hard because some of the patients are really not that nice and I have to be in my doctors office by 4 a.m. In the morning, if I am late, I have to think of some sort of excuse to the governor which sometimes can be in a bad mood.