First persuasive essay

Why We Should Have More Recess For 4th Grade
Ethan, Nicholas, Shahan & Daron 👍👍👍👍

We should have more Recess because we need to take in more sunlight / vitamin D, exercise, and breaks. Here we will talk about the reasons why.

We need more sunlight instead of taking 5 hours and 15 minutes studying. We should soak up more of the sun. If we just stay inside we will never get fresh air for 5 hours and 15 min. It would be very bad at our age because it could affect our exercise and mental health and physical health. It helps us learn better in school. If we had more recess we could learn more.
The second reason that we should have more recess is because we need more breaks. There are 6 hours and 3o minutes in a school day and it is very annoying staying inside doing work the whole day. It will make us learn better. Studies have shown we would behave better. We could also get more fresh air for our lungs.

The third reason is that we need more exercise. Research shows that recess actually will help people learn better in school. Recess time has been a way to help combat the nation’s childhood obesity problem. People have also found that the free play that comes with recess is crucial to a child’s cognitive, social and emotional development.

We hope that you understand our judgement okay. I hope you think it is a good idea and know that it took us a lot of effort to write this. Okay, thank you for understanding. Help us learn and help us learn to behave better.

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