
Who will you reach out to?
I won’t be reaching out to anyone.
What resources will you use?
I will use youtube, drawing templates, the Library, and online workshops
How will you get it done?
I will get it done step by step, and use the drawing templates. Also interacting with others

Blog post 2, Pitch and Cast.

What will you learn, make, or do?
I will learn how to make an anime character,
Why do you want to learn, make, or do this?
I want to learn to make this because I could do this in my free time and could use them as presents for others.
How will you learn, make, or do this? I will learn from tutorials on anatomy and how to draw eyes. Also how to properly color.
What will success look like to you?
I think the final product will be one that I am proud of and can present.