Capstone Blog 3

Finally, after countless months of hard work were done. What are we done with? Capstone! Capstone is a project where you choose the main inquiry question about a topic to study and present. You need five resources and an interview to help you determine your answer to your main inquiry question.

My question was “What is the impact of sports movies on young athletes in terms of their social, emotional, and academic well-being?” How I came up with this is a big story. My topic went through many changes and eventually, I decided to open it up to sports movies. When I was asked what about sports movies I went blank. Finally, I came out with a measly answer “How does this affect the movie industry.” When my answer was searched up google had different plans that suggested how they affect youth. That’s when my question was born. 

The only problem was many times my research was undercover in search results. Even though sometimes I thought of quitting I was motivated to keep looking. Some of the best websites appeared on the seventh page. When finally I interviewed Chris Connelly all the research resurfaced though we had a double header (I forgot to record the first so we decided to do it again) it was twice as much research. That proved challenging when I had to transcribe it.

All my research was transformed into an essay. This was really fun because I got to explore sports movies of all sports. I had 3 parts and within each part were 3 little parts. In each little part was a movie explaining that part. The reason we made an essay was to use the essay in making our script

I started to copy and paste parts from all my docs. Though I still had to edit it by gluing together parts by adding some transition words. But if you thought that was hard the next step was 1000000000x harder. We had to memorize 3-5 minutes’ worth of words. My strategy was to read, then repeat not looking at my script which proved well.

But when I got up in front of the class that is when I thought I could not do that. Though my feelings pushed me through delivering a great presentation.

Capstone was so fun and I am so glad I got the chance to show off my topic.

Thank You, My Mom, Chris Connelly, Mr. Casel, Mrs. Robert, and Mrs. Mcshane

Capstone Blog Post 2

Know coming along to the next step in this project is the interview. I was so excited about doing this and from the beginning and now that it came to my heart was pounding all the times of waiting were over I was doing it today.

We started with finding someone to interview and I thought this would take weeks maybe months. Then relief came over realizing that my mom had worked at ABC with people who study my topic.  She gave me a name which was Chris Connelly. He rated movies and my mom said he also did some sports movies. Him watching all those movies made me think he had a pretty big knowledge of my topic. So I would say that this was pretty easy on my side.

We got on and he was so nice we did a run-through and were on our way. But after the interview, I realized that I forgot to record it. And I was so mad but then Chris wrote wondering if he was recorded because he did not see the icon and he said I will do it again. I was so happy and we describe it as sort of a doubleheader 1-1.

Overall this interview was an easy job but the whole project might say other.


Capstone Blog Post 1

Finally, the last project of the year, the Capstone project. A Capstone project is a topic you choose make a question about this topic and then get lots of interviews leading to a presentation.

I have chosen sports movies but this changed multiple times. One time I was thinking of football movies but realized the narrowest and changed to one movie, The Blind Side, that lasted a day and then I realized to open up and that was it sports movies. But not just sports movies, how they affect youth health

Well, so when I got my topic I met with Mrs. Robert. I said I chose sports movies, but then she said what about it. I thought and said back about how it impacted the movie industry. She starts typing but then sees how it impacts youth. We shared a look and pressed the suggestion button. It turned out to be an exciting show there because my question

After the question came the sub-questions.  I really just separated the things I knew they could do and made a sub-question about each one.  The only problem was some weren’t really fitting in like there wasn’t an overall impact on academics.

So far this has been good and working for me and I hope that stays true through the next steps.