My debate on Plastic Bags

In class we have been doing a unit of debates. We were split up in to groups and every group got a topic. My group was Aidan, Ayyan, and Ben, and our topic was, “Should we ban Plastic Bags,” me and Ben were on the side that we should not ban Plastic Bags. We first started by finding reasons in our folders that we got in our bin. We did a practice debate and got some feedback. The feedback was to stay on topic and for Ayyan to talk more. Me and Ben decided that we were going to do something better. We tried to find a video or a ted talk first. We found a ted talk and immediatly thought that we should use it. We asked Mrs. Edwards and realized that we can’t use the whole video and we couldn’t find specific parts that we liked but we really liked this one thing that she did in her introduction. She showed a picture of a paper bag and a plastic bag and showed what both of them caused the earth one caused landfill and no trees and one had a animal being strangled by a plastic bag. We decided to do that but instead of the pictures on a slideshow it was a flip book on a piece of paper. We found new reasons and better evidence for every reason made the flip book go with the introduction and soon we were ready we did the debate and here it is.

Here is our feedback from the class on our real debate.

Here is our self assesment for our selfs.

I hope you enjoyed my debate and what I thought about my debate.

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