Capstone #4

You may know that when doing Capstone you have to do a site visit for your project. I had a lot of trouble finding a place that I could go because most of the Barbie places to go are in Miami or L.A. I decided that I had to get creative. I thought of what […]

Capstone #3

So you may know for Capstone I have chosen to do Barbie and Feminism. As you also may know one of the requirements for Capstone is to have an interview with an expert on your topic. When I was finding my interview I had a lot of trouble because the first people that I contacted did not respond. […]

Ellis Island trip

Today we went to Ellis Island. In class we have been working on immigration to the U.S. and the immigrants had to go through Ellis Island. I was very interesting to actually see Ellis Island. We left for Ellis Island at 7:00. We took a bus that took around 1:35 minutes to Ellis Island. We […]