You should do Breakout EDU!

Our class just did Breakout EDU. Breakout EDU is where you have to unlock a box and there are clues around the room that help you know the numbers or letters to unlock the box. There were 5 locks on the box. You had to unlock all the locks to open the box. You have 2 free hints. We did it in an ordinary classroom that we found was not so ordinary because there were clues on the walls scattered around the room.  If you do Breakout EDU remember to work together and give everyone a chance to try to unlock the box. Remember not to scream and let everyone have a chance to give there ideas.

My class opened the box and there were papers that said we opened the box and we rocked it. There was also a little treat in there. Hershey kisses.

Breakout EDU taught our class to listen to each and give everyone a chance because we were all screaming and a girl in my class had the answer to the last lock and we couldn’t hear her, so our teacher quieted us down and she told us, but if my teacher didn’t quiet us done wouldn’t have opened the box. Our class learned to listen and not scream. Here is the link to Breakout EDU.

Breakout EDU is educational and fun and I definitely want to do it again! Hope you liked my blog post. I will post again soon.

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