Archive for December, 2018

Switches – Tech (No.5)

Switches are very important in a circuit because they can stop and allow the circuit to work and the atoms to pass through. A switch can either be open or closed. If a switch is open it means that the two sides of the circuit are not connected and the atoms can not pass through, […]


Solder – Tech (No.4)

In Tech I made a solder person! I started by cutting an eight inch and a one and a half inch strip of gold wire. After that I used a pencil to wrap the wire around to create the person’s head. From that I bent a shape for the legs and made a stand. The […]


Circuit – Tech (No.3)

Yesterday in Tech we built a circuit. Before that we had been making them on the IPad and it was much easier! On the IPad, we discovered that if you connect the negative side of the battery directly to the positive side then the battery will blow up! We saw a blown-up battery that Mr […]


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