Category Archives: 3rd Grade

Plant Observations #3

Last week we pollinated our plants. First we got pollen on our fingers. Then we put the pollen on the stigma of the plant. And that makes the plant have these little pods that contain other seeds.


Over the week we noticed that our plant grew much taller, greener and it grew pods. One day it started wilting and the next day it was right back up again. Also our plant still has flowers. So far I think our control is doing better and better.


Over the week we noticed that our control was dying, but it still had pods. It was also very dry. It also still had flowers. Our manipulated didn’t do that much last week week.

I think that our control will stay healthy and grow bigger pods. I think our manipulated will die before the pods can grow bigger.


This is our manipulated plant. This photo was taken on Tuesday, May 30th.


This is our controlled plant. This photo was taken on Tuesday, May 30th.

Plant Observations #2


On the 11th of May our control was 1 inch, way better than before and looked wet. For our manipulated we had the same results but it looked the same as before. The next day we observed that our control was moist, it was better than before, it had buds and was lighter than our manipulated. Our manipulated was the same as our control but it was heavier than our control. Two days later we cut out the weaker plants of the bunch (that is called “thinning”.) Our control was moist, was way better than before, and was very green. Our manipulated was the same as our control. The next day our control had about 18 leaves. Was very green and moist. Our manipulated had the same results but it had about 12 leaves.

I think that our manipulated was doing worse than our control because sand does not have as much nutrients as soil.

This is our control before the thinning. This was taken on Monday, May 15th, 2017.

This is our manipulated before the thinning. This was taken on Monday, May 15th, 2017.

My Art Interest

I have a hobby of making art. Most of my art has sides that are symmetric. One of my favorite types of art is abstract art. The brush strokes that you do while painting abstract art calms me. One of my latest creations is called “The God Eater.” It kind of looks like this:

The illuminati

Most of my other art looks like this:

Abstract Art

Anyway art will always be one of my favorite hobbys.

Plant Observations #1

In science we are experimenting with plants. My science group wanted to know if putting plants in sand would make them grow taller. I think that that the plant in the sand will grow taller. My control has soil, water, light and fertilizer. My manipulated plant has sand instead of soil.


The first day our control did not sprout and our manipulated had sprouted,  then I really thought the manipulated would grow taller but it turned out that the next day the controlled out-grew the manipulated! The next day the control was still taller!

This is our control. This photo was taken on Monday, May 8th.


This is our manipulated. This photo was taken on Monday, May 8th.


What I Would Make Out of a Plastic Bag

What I Would Make Out of a Plastic Bag

By Graham Fielding

If I could make anything out of plastic bags I would make a backpack. Some women in Africa made purses out of plastic bags. A backpack would be an upgrade from purses. One advantage is backpacks have more storage. Backpacks have many more advantages than purses. Purses are a good idea but a backpack is better.

My Expert Book Reflection.

My whole class wrote expert books. I wrote about guitar. we started out by picking a topic. Picking a topic for me was semi-hard. My first topic was skateboarding, but I changed it to guitar. We started doing boxes and bullets. Then we organized our chapters. Then came the writing, I had to change many things before I perfected it. After that we typed it on to the computer. Next we added pictures, captions and all that stuff that makes it look good.