Food Fight Madness

Food Fight Madness

By: Greta

Imagine walking into a cafeteria filled with chatter except this one table giving dirty looks well carrots are getting through in the air. This all happened at Heathcote School in mid-October. Only a few kids, 5th graders, were involved. According to Rachel Barr, this all happened because “ Some girl stole the other girl’s seat so the other girl decided to leave the table so then the boys started to follow her.” As a result, the teachers stopped it and it will now always stay in the past

Is There a Fire?

Is there a fire in Heathcote school right in front circle? But the good news is that there wasn’t but also it wasn’t a drill this is how it all started. All of Heathcote was coming in waiting for the bell to ring and … boom the fire alarm went off every kid was scared because there has never been at that school a fire alarm before the bell rings. The music teacher brought outside all the kids. Then one of the kid said ” Its Friday the thirty.” Then everyone got more scared and then the police and a fire truck came and that’s when every one was horrified. But luckily it was a just a drill and someone must of pulled the fire hydrant. But the good thing is that everyone is okay.