Computer science is changing everything

Hi, I watched a video about how technology and how it has changed so much many years. And actually that what interest me the most. It just amazing to see how technology has changed. One reason that technology so helpful for everything like building houses, planting crops and much more. In the 18th hundreds there was not technology at all but when 19th came along some things started coming along like washing machines and other things we have us basically technology.

maglev Day 2

Maglev Day 2


My group used 2 small strips magnets for the train. For the track we used 2 on the side and then we put 6 more on the top to increase the magnetic field so the train will levitate. We had to make the train and the track were north and north or south and south they will repel and that is what the train and the track. At first it was tipping over put then we added more increases to the track magnetic field.


our car failed at first because it was not moving but levitating. The car wasn’t moving and it would just fall when you give it a push. We failed a lot and we keep on trying new things.


I learned how hard and frustrating to design and you are getting mad that your idea on the paper isn’t working. It is hard to work with a partner because you fight a lot.


Technology is…

Technology isn’t just computer or phone technology is anything that helps you like a basket or shoes.  Technology

is also what a person makes.

My object is technology because it helps people stick paper to walls.

My object helps people by sticking words or paper to walls.

My object made life better by helping to stick stuff to walls.

My object improved paper because you can’t stick it to walls and you can stick words on with sticky notes.



This is technology it helps you

The end






Expert Book – Cheerleading

My topic is about Cheerleading. I chose this topic because I know a lot about it and I have been in lots of competitions.

First, I had to get my topic. Then I had to put my chapters in most important to least important. Then, the writing part. We also had lots of lessons with our teacher. We did our introduction at the end. I liked when we were putting in our nonfiction text features. I liked how I did my labels for my bases and Backspot, it looked cool.

I think that the most challenging part was the pictures because it was hard to find and a lot of stuff was trash.

I hope when you are done reading this book you will be an expert on Cheerleading!!!