3D Demo

Gus                    Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of Gambia        


                                             One Plastic Bag


In “One Plastic Bag” by Miranda Paul my favorite part is when Isatou and her friends realize that plastic bags were bad for the environment and killing most of the goats in town. Isatou and her friends picked up all the plastic bags in town and remade the plastic bags into wallets because they wanted to help all the goats and animals in town.  This book reminds me of recycling bags.


TED Talk The Sisters of Bali


Two sisters in Bali were concerned about the environment.  They saw that plastic bags were ruining the landscape of their home. They wanted to help. So they wanted to talk to the president about it but they couldn’t talk to him, so they went on a food strike. The president allowed the sisters to meet with him in his office. He signed a law that Bali would be free of plastic bags by 2018. But they achieved their goal one year early and now Bali is free of plastic bags!