Ecosystem Blog Post – Tundras

The tundra is a snowy, dry place that is found far north like Russia, Alaska, Canada, and Scandinavia. There are three types of tundras: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine. The tundra is a cold place during winter and summer and it’s a barren place. It’s earth’s youngest biome and it formed over 10,000 years ago.

Consumers are animals that eat other animals. In the tundra, the consumers are the snowy owl, arctic fox, and polar bears. The arctic fox blends in with the snow so the prey does not see them. The snowy owl hunts lemmings and mice. The polar bear hunts seals, fish, and penguins.

Producers are plants that produce their own food. Trees produce oxygen and trees are producers. Although they produce their own food they do absorb water and sunlight. The producers are grass, moss, and lichen.

The tundra is a unique place because it is a barren, cold place and it’s earth’s youngest ecosystem. It held mammoths several thousand years ago. Mammoth are extinct now, but they still find mammoth skeletons today. Megafauna are animals that are huge. Megafauna means mega = huge; fauna = animal.

The tundra is really awesome and I recommend researching it more. I hope that you liked this blog post and I hope that you will research more.


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