Rube Goldberg #1

In class, we were introduced to a project called “The Rube Goldberg Project”. Rube Goldberg is known for his contraptions and his over complicated machines. The rules of this assignment, were to have more than 8 steps, and not be able to use any human power or any living source. We had top choose partners and I chose Arun. Me and Arun had trouble with the design, we tried coming up with possible ideas we could use our contraption but we decided to not use them. The resources we used were a plastic ball, a pipe, some dominos, CD cases, a candlestick, plushy Pikachu, string, a book, fruit loops, and a bowl.


Feature Article Podcast Reflection

In January we were introduced to podcasts we first we were assigned homework to listen to podcasts. Secondly we got to choose are own topics, my group was Isabella,Nick,Matthew, and I our topic was the principal. Third we had to do research. Fourth we had to make a slide show after we finished we had to wright a podcast script. Fifth we practice our script and once we learned our script we got to use the computer lab laptops to use gargeband to record our voice. Finally we use HeathcoteGateway to post our podcast. The hardest part for me was recording I heard it and thought i need to improve my own voice it was hard to hear and sounded scratchy.