Tech 7 Blog post #4

What is Wood Veneer?

Wood Veneer sounds like a pseudo wood, but it’s a thin layer of natural wood glued to a cheaper pseudo wood like a pressed or particleboard. A veneer is used on furniture and can be sanded, painted, or stained like it was the whole part of the furniture. It’s done this way to keep the cost of the furniture cheaper. 

Some people confuse Veneer with laminates. Laminates are synthetic layers made to look like wood. It’s more durable than Veneer and cheaper to make furniture or flooring. You can finish laminates just like Veneer – it can be sanded, stained, or painted and made to look exactly like the real thing.

Tech 7 Blog post #3

Different Types of Wood


The two types of natural wood are hardwoods and softwoods. They have different characteristics beyond their density, hardness, or softness — like color, smell and textures. Hardwoods come from trees with broad leaves. These trees produce seeds that are either nuts or fruits. Oak, beech, and mahogany are types of hardwood and are used for furniture making.

 Softwoods come from trees that make cones like pine and pinecones. Two other types are redwood and fir. Softwoods are used for construction, which is odd because you would think construction would call for the hardest wood.

There’s another type of wood, but it’s not a natural kind. Pseudo wood is made of particle boards, plastics, filler, and other unnatural materials or wood scraps. These ingredients get smashed together and make pressed woods.

Tech 7 Blog Post #2

Trees and Growth Rings 


As trees grow, the inside of them develop patterns called rings. The rings can tell us a lot about the tree. As everyone knows, each ring represents a year of the tree’s life, but it also can tell us the weather and when a ring was formed. Lighter-colored rings grow faster in the spring, while the darker-colored rings grow in the summer and take a longer time to develop. The speed of the ring formation is because of how cells and tissues grow underneath the bark. 


Based on the weather and the characteristics of the rings, we can tell if the tree was under duress. For example, was it a rainy spring, or scorching summer, or even a forest nearby in the woods? The rings in a tree are like a biography of a person. Each ring is a chapter in the tree’s life.


Tech Blogpost#1

Engineering Process


The engineering process is a loop, with each stage informing the next one. It starts by identifying a problem or opportunity and asking questions to see how engineering can create a solution. It combines facts, data, science, and creativity. A successful engineer has both an analytical mind and a great imagination. Using the loop process brings both together.


After identifying the problem and asking the right questions, an engineer must research to look at the problem from all angles and then create potential ways to solve the problem. Once an engineer has formulated ideas, they plan and experiment the various ideas to see the best way to solve the problem by conducting tests. The test winner then can be redesigned to perfection. The redesign and improvements made complete the loop. However, some engineering processes never end. In technology, engineers continue to get feedback from users, computers, or machines, and their engineering process begins the loop all over again.

Livbits Blog Post

Livbits writes with her heart and tries to show the meaning of the story. She pays attention to details. After reading this, I think I can pay attention to more details. I think I can also write the story more clear and give more evidence. I’m going to do this by getting more facts and take more time researching.

4th grade reflection

We’re wrapping up 4th grade 2018 we did a lot this year. We did project like Native american, toy theater subjects like read aloud and science.


We did a lot of project like toy theater and position project. For my passion project (I choose medusa) this was are first project of 4th grade. The reason why I choose this topic is because I am interested in greek mythology, so I found medusa as a cool topic. My favorite project was the native american it was a group project. Has the class my group was social aspects. Through the year are class had 3 read aloud are first was The Tiger Rising then we had Blood on the river the last was book scavenger my favourite out of the three was Blood on the river. It was a really good book. At the end of the year we did toy theater my group was the boston massacre.we got to write scips .We went on are chromebooks and looked for puppets and backgrounds. We got to perform in front of the third graders then we got to perform in front of are panents. We watch this tv show call libertys kids.In the year math has been my favourite subject. We only had one field trip that was state pauls church. It was a battlefield in the revolutionary war there was a graveyard and they demonstrated how they would amputate there arm. Then they had a station of games they played. Near the end of school we did PSA. we got to choose a ecosystem (I Choose Tundra) has we moved further in to the project we got storyboards and we learn this website called Wevideo. We had practice and the video had to be one minute exactly. When we moved on to are final draft we got to write a reflection on the project. Are computer teacher pute are PSAs on his youtube channel.

Wevideo blog post

WeVideo Blog post

In school we choose a topic of ecosystem I choose the tundra. First we researched about are topic. Then mr. casal showed us wevideo before we started working we got storey boards. We drew what we would want in are movie. As we finished researching we learned more about we video we learned about tranzitions we choose title screens and looked back to are storyboards. When we got on are final drafted mr. casal showed us this website creative comment this site helped find good pictures.

The hardest part was the storyboard and the research because I found it hard to imagine a pictures of what I want and I could find and Finding the right words to use.  I’m not good at researching I missed details and facts.

The practice was the easiest because it was fun and just practice we didn’t have much pressure.

Biography Jackie Robinson


Jackie Robinson was born on January 31, 1919. He lived in California in a small house. His family was poor. His dad left when Jackie was one in 1920. His family lived in a neighborhood where people were mean because they were black. As Jackie grew up he became an athlete. He attended Pasadena Junior College. There he crushed his brothers record for the longboard jump.


Adult Life

He attended the University of California in Los Angeles.  Jackie joined the army in 1942 for two years. Branch Rickey, president of the Brooklyn Dodgers asked Jackie if he was interested in joining the Brooklyn Dodgers.  The other people on the team were upset knowing they had to play with Jackie. In real games, people would pitch to hit Jackie.



Jackie had a hard time controlling his temper.  People called him names because of his skin color. People who pitched to him amed to hit jackie. People did not like playing with jackie. Jackie was black so people did not like jackie and throw rocks.


How he changed the world

Jackie changed the world by being the first black person to play in the manger league. This is important because of the rights he stood up for black people. 42 the number jackie wore now people honor that number today.

Ecosystem Blog Post – Tundras

The tundra is a snowy, dry place that is found far north like Russia, Alaska, Canada, and Scandinavia. There are three types of tundras: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine. The tundra is a cold place during winter and summer and it’s a barren place. It’s earth’s youngest biome and it formed over 10,000 years ago.

Consumers are animals that eat other animals. In the tundra, the consumers are the snowy owl, arctic fox, and polar bears. The arctic fox blends in with the snow so the prey does not see them. The snowy owl hunts lemmings and mice. The polar bear hunts seals, fish, and penguins.

Producers are plants that produce their own food. Trees produce oxygen and trees are producers. Although they produce their own food they do absorb water and sunlight. The producers are grass, moss, and lichen.

The tundra is a unique place because it is a barren, cold place and it’s earth’s youngest ecosystem. It held mammoths several thousand years ago. Mammoth are extinct now, but they still find mammoth skeletons today. Megafauna are animals that are huge. Megafauna means mega = huge; fauna = animal.

The tundra is really awesome and I recommend researching it more. I hope that you liked this blog post and I hope that you will research more.


Week two of plant unit

My group and I observed our soapy water plants. All 4 cells died. We think that the seeds were dead before we planted them, or that the chemicals in the soapy water is what killed it. Half of our control plants have died, the other half are doing just fine.